Does warfarin make your heart beat faster?!

Question: Does warfarin make your heart beat faster.?
I know warfarin thins your blood to reduce blood clots, but does it make a weak heart pump faster.? As my mother was given warfarin last week yesterday as she has a slow/weak heart low blood pressure anyway yesterday she died from an enlarged heart. Now i am pretty sure the warfarin made her weak heart pump harder which created an enlarged heart (overworked) if i am right then this would be negligent on the consultants behalf.? Please correct if i am wrongHealth Question & Answer

I am so sorry for your loss.
I agree with Rhianna, Warfarin would not cause cadiomegaly (an enlarged heart) this occurs over time. Without knowing your Mums history Warfarin is given for several cardiac conditions but as previously mentioned it does thin the blood and makes it easier for the heart to pump around the body so it may have been given to ease the strain on Mum's already weak heart.
Nothing can ease your pain right now but I'll think of you.Health Question & Answer

I am sorry for your loss.

Warfarin does not actually reduce the thickness or thinness of your blood. As you correctly stated it does inhibit the blood from forming clots (inhibit blood changing from a liquid state to a solid state). This is done by inhibiting clotting factors within the blood. Inhibiting clotting factors does not in any way create or effect a weak heart. Warfarin is typically used to reduce the risk of having a stroke.

A weak heart (or congestive heart failure) is usually from one or a combination of several things.
A bad valve or valves
Uncontrolled high blood pressure over time
Prior heart attacks or chronic blockages in the arteries.
Irregular heart rhythms
Occasionally it is has no known cause

All of these conditions develop over many years but may not have symptoms until the condition is hard or impossible to fix.

Again, I am sorry for the loss of your mother. The warfarin, however, was not the source of your mother's worsening heart failure.

Monday morning quarterbacking through Yahoo! answers without appropriate medical records will not be productive. If you need, have a conversation with your mother's doctor who can authoritatively answer your questions and explain her therapies. Unfortunately there are many medical conditions that do not have cures and sometimes even very good treatments.

Good luck.

Health Question & Answer

Warfarin was prescribed not to make her heart beat faster (which it doesn't do), but to lower the possibility of clots which is increased when the heart beats slowly.
The enlarged heart, although predisposing to death, was NOT the cause of death. I suspect heart failure was. Heart enlargement does not occur overnight, but rather over months/years.
Rather than trying to "blame" anyone for her death, you would probably do better health wise for yourself if you found a bereavement support group.
I hurt with you. I lost both parents, both parents-in-law, my only sibling and my husband within 6 years. I survived with the help of bereavement support and counseling.

Take care; be well.
Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't have though so, warfarin would have thinned her blood so it passed through easier.. I don't believe the consult was being negligent.. I would think its just a coincidence that she was put on Warfarin before her heart enlarged.
Obviously I'm not a medical person so its just my opinion.
Heres some links, hopefully they help:

Sorry about your mum. But I genuinely think it is a coincidence she was put on the drug before hand.

Edit: Perhaps you need to take this up with someone in the medical field, who can give you precise answers. Right now you are grieving therefore not thinking straight.. Talk it through with someone who knows what they are talking about. All we know, is what we have looked on Google for.Health Question & Answer

No, warfrin makes the blood thinner, which means its less work for the heart to pump the bloodHealth Question & Answer Question & Answer

No it does not. Her enlarged heart was not induced by warfarinHealth Question & Answer

not sure, but a minor electric shock doesHealth Question & Answer

i don't think so. sorry to hear about your situation though. you will be in my thoughts at this sad timeHealth Question & Answer

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