Hospice Confusion help?!

Question: Hospice Confusion help.?
my mom went to a nursing home ( still unclear how she got there )
she has throat cancer ( was on radiatition which was too tough on her ) she stopped treatment and put herself on hospice now she is waffling sometimes hourly depending on her pain lv. As long as she gets nourishment she has time. My Question is whats inovoled on gettin off/on hospice as she does not seem to know what she wants

Me and other family feel Hospice way premature
Dr wont give opinon says up to her
Soc worker a little too gung ho bout hospice
want her to see pysch keep gettin run around

very confused and scaredHealth Question & Answer

It is unclear which country you live in. There are different types of hospice . . in some cases hospice is referred to as a facility much like a hospital or clinic. And than there is a home based hospice program . . which is an organization that includes hospice nurses, doctors, social workers, clergy, respite caretakers that will come to the patients home.

In the US a patient can come off hospice care at any time they want . . it is totally up to them to stay on hospice or go back into treatment. All your mother needs to do is indicate that she wants treatment. If you are on 'good terms' with hospice .. sometimes they will continue the home care while the patient goes back on treatments . . they may change the wording to say 'palliative care' .. which indicates that they are emphasizing control of the cancer growth. . over treatment that aims for 'cure'.

Some people live for quite some time even when they are on hospice care. Basically all hospice offers is 'comfort care' and will not offer 'treatment' for the cancer other medication to control pain. So your mother is no longer in any type of treatment for her disease. She may have decided that she could no longer tolerate the harsh treatment or the treatment is not slowing the progression of disease. Perhaps it is time to think of quality of life vs quantity. It is difficult to tell from your question.

This needs to be your mothers decision. She needs to examine the facts . . is the disease responding to treatment . . and does she have the strength to continue fighting. She should be able to change her mind at any time . . and return to treatment if she desires. She would need to communicate that wish with her current hospice nurse or doctor.Health Question & Answer

First, I want to say sorry about your mother. I know its confusing too you it was confusing to me as well. The Doctor sign my mother up for Hospice I hated the word Hospice, because the only thing the people at Hospice do. They give the patient medicine that make them comfortable. But people be in so much pain mentally and physically. You should go on the web site about the Hospice your mother is with. also just be there for your mother whatever she decide be there for her. Remember God has the last say so about your mother not the doctor. Pray for your Mother and Read the Bible too her. I willing keep you and your mother in my prayers. God Love You And I D Too. God Blesss You and Your Dear Mother!!!!Health Question & Answer

sorry for urs and urs mothers situation...im trying to give an objective opinion but i am a doc ok...I guess it sounds like ur mam was keen to go there to maybe give her famil a break from caring for her..if shes not having RTX then there is no further active treatment and it sounds like she is in a lot of pain..so my only advice to u is to think about what will happen if she comes home..which could very well be possible as hard to tell how bad she is..but if she comes home someone in the family will have to take on the full care role and manage her and her pain..if u can do that or someone in the family is comfortable doing it go for it..if not maybe better where she is...just random thought..good luckHealth Question & Answer

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