What should I do about these lovely spider bites? (pics included)?!

Question: What should I do about these lovely spider bites.? (pics included).?
I got these bites 2 days ago, they were just red bumps, and then this morning, they were all puffy and infected looking. I picked at the big purple one.. but underneath that one is like a few more that you can literally see the swelling on. DELICIOUS. Please don't tell me just to go to the emergency room, I don't have time for that.
http://peoplemovers.org/viewimages/.?imag...Health Question & Answer

Those could possibly be brown recluse spider bites. You're taking a really big chance by not going to see a doctor. they look really really bad and if you don't get them treated soon then (if it is a brown recluse bite) it will start to open a very large whole in your skin and the marks and pain will be unbearable. I've have plenty of friends bitten by them before. if you insist on staying home and taking this risk then i suggest taking a shower and cleaning the wounds just let the soap and water run over them and then put neosporin on then cover with large band aids and leave them alone. if the area around the band-aid i itchy you can put some calamine lotion around it.Health Question & Answer

Do you like having a leg.? Sorry to sound harsh my friend, but those bites look terrible, they are infected, and soon you will have cellulitis. You might even be having an allergic reaction. All of that flesh that is swollen right now is at risk of becoming damaged for life. Get to the ER ASAP! You HAVE to make time, or your leg, possibly your life is in danger.Health Question & Answer

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