With the Information Given, Is There a Disease or Something That I Could Have or what can i do? 10 points!?!

Question: With the Information Given, Is There a Disease or Something That I Could Have or what can i do.? 10 points!.?
here is a little bit about me and my past...
*i am 18 and finally moved to the city
*long, thin face
*unhealthy complexion/pale (in a bad way), blotchy skin, acne still (one giant zit has been on my chin for over half-a-year)
*had horrible allergies as a kid and could hardly smell until 16...mainly allergic to trees, pollen, dirt...my mom raised me in the woods despite knowing this:(
*i cried a few times a week since i was little (not anymore though cuz i moved out on my own)
*i never went a week without being yelled at...and i was a really good kid so it was for no reason
*i was teased for being ugly growing up...teeth, hair, complexion,etc
*had bad teeth until i got braces
*i feel cold very easily and usually my hands feel like ice
*ingrown hairs on chin (only a couple)
*my mom was a single mom and had a stress problem so she yelled at me all the time and got involved with messed up people and forced them into my life...i'm actually very traumatized and resentful.
*what i know of my dad is he is a sociopath, mean, and drug dealer etc...not sure if he ever did drugs...was in jail for years for selling cocaine
*i made my own lunches for school since 1st grade usually consisting of crap like yogurt, a juice box that i never drank since i didnt like apple juice or fruit punch...:/ and some fruit and a LOT of candy
*i am thin though and only 4'11"
*my nails are dry and brittle and seem to grow in layers..i never had fake nails nor went to a salon.
*i have wrinkles already and look old for my age by YEARS
*droopy, thick eyelids
*tend to have clogged ears
*get backaches a lot from constant laborious work as a kid with hardly any breaks
*i was the only kid i knew who hated Peter Pan because i hated being a kid.
*some people i miss for years, but many people i don't develop a strong bond with.
*i hate being alone.
*have had a fuzzy birthmark on side of my forehead since birth
*i always felt like an outcast...
I have wondered for a while if i have something wrong with me....like a disease or if my upbringing made me how i am today or...i just have such poor body image...even when i was the exact right weight for my height my mom said stuff like "LET'S go on a diet" to include me in feeling bad as usual. i feel so ugly and old compared to other kids my age...even adults. people tend to mistake me for being much older than i am...:(
thanks^^Health Question & Answer

Sorry to hear all this sad memories, I can imagine how you feel.Because of lack of attention,love and care you grew up thingking that you are an outcast and feel differnt from the others...well you are not...and you are not alone in this whole wide world to have this kind of physical and emotional problems...

What your having right now is that your body has develope in a way that your nurition, enviroment and upbringing combined has resulted to all these... You develope very low selfesteem because you got no support,love and care...as you said that you are a hardworker since you are a kid..this contibuted also with lack of proper nutition.

Well, the best thing is go and have your self check up with a therapist and physician....they might be able to help you clear up. My prayers is with you... Remember you still have the chooice to make a differnce in your life no matter what age you are in now..its not too late yet!Take care. Health Question & Answer

Your problem is low self esteem. Never have I seen a person lay out their flaws in dot point format like you have and I find it disturbing. Sounds to me like your mother may have thrown her insecurities onto you which is an irresponsible thing to do. These flaws you list are what others have told you I bet, and I suggest you take that list and fix everything on it. Get a make over, see a doctor about skin care, go with a GF and by some new clothes that suit your body, go out and socialise and get an honest opinion on your looks from ppl who are not trying to make you responsible for their s**t like your mother obviously has. We all have flaws and supermodel Elle MacPherson was once asked what her worst feature was and she very wisely said she would never say coz then everyone would look at it. She played up the positive and down the negative. Another thing you could do is write your mother a letter and give her her s**t back. Tell her how she made you feel and tell her she can deal with her own issues and not make you her fallguy. Tell her if she wants to speak to you she can do so with respect or she can go directly to hell. Dont just accept these things as truth and make them a part of who you are. You are out on your own now, time to be good to you and forget about all the bad. You own your life now noone else, so live it to the best of your ability, that is your only responsibility to you. Health Question & Answer

wow it sounds like you have had an extremely hard 18 years. Please if you can see a D.R to become healthy also see a therapist to talk about what you have been through.I didnt have it easy my self growing up so i know it can mold you as an adult please dont let it.Good luck to you sweetie :)Health Question & Answer

Congratulations, guy, you've made it to the city and look what you've survived.

A long, thin face is not unusual. An unhealthy complexion/pale (in a bad way), blotchy skin, acne still (one giant zit has been on my chin for over half-a-year) could be due to diet or not enough sun exposure - just a little can help. For the zit try ordinary Neosporin.

Allergies can be treated with a host of over the counter and/or natural remedies. See if you can find an allergist in your area - try a clinic. Check out a health food store and see what they have available for your particular allergies.

Some moms are just plain stupid - that's a human trait.

Crying a few times a week since you were little (not anymore though cuz i moved out on my own) was probably childhood depression.

Your parents probably yelled at your because your idea of a good kid and their idea of a good kid were worlds apart. Most of us adults had bad childhoods - focus on your future, now.

Teasing is a normal part of the teen years - everyone is a dork - some are more dorky than others - others still are total douches with nothing better to do than be douche-like. Again, focus on your future and making you the best you you can be.

Braces - be glad you had them and it is over.

Cold hands and feet could be a low thyroid. Have it checked with a simple blood test.

Ingrown hairs on chin - check the way you shave. Use very warm tap water, a clean washcloth each time, a new razor every time and shaving gel or cream.

"*my mom was a single mom and had a stress problem so she yelled at me all the time and got involved with messed up people and forced them into my life...i'm actually very traumatized and resentful." Focus on your future, dude, seriously. Get some talk therapy - either with a doctor or a support group. Don't let her sickness make you sick, too.

"*what i know of my dad is he is a sociopath, mean, and drug dealer etc...not sure if he ever did drugs...was in jail for years for selling cocaine" Again, focus on you and your future. You can't change this, so learn from his mistakes and your mom's mistakes. Therapy is a good idea.

"*i made my own lunches for school since 1st grade usually consisting of crap like yogurt, a juice box that i never drank since i didnt like apple juice or fruit punch...:/ and some fruit and a LOT of candy" Well, you were raising yourself - what does a kid know if an adult isn't there to guide them.? Vow to never let your kid do this to themselves.

"*i am thin though and only 4'11"
*my nails are dry and brittle and seem to grow in layers..i never had fake nails nor went to a salon.
*i have wrinkles already and look old for my age by YEARS
*droopy, thick eyelids
*tend to have clogged ears
*have had a fuzzy birthmark on side of my forehead since birth"
This does sound like a syndrome or genetic issue to me. Check out http://symptoms.webmd.com/ for more information.

"*get backaches a lot from constant laborious work as a kid with hardly any breaks" This could, however, be related to a genetic problem/syndrome that is affecting your bones.

"*i was the only kid i knew who hated Peter Pan because i hated being a kid." Don't really blame ya for this - life can suck sometimes.

"*some people i miss for years, but many people i don't develop a strong bond with." Not unusual.

"*i hate being alone." Me too, sometimes, but I think of it as not how alone I am, but see it as a chance to get to know myself better and get closer to my creator.

"*i always felt like an outcast..." No one can make you feel badly unless you give them permission - so said Elly Roosevelt.

I have wondered for a while if i have something wrong with me....like a disease or if my upbringing made me how i am today or...i just have such poor body image...even when i was the exact right weight for my height my mom said stuff like "LET'S go on a diet" to include me in feeling bad as usual. i feel so ugly and old compared to other kids my age...even adults. people tend to mistake me for being much older than i am...:(

Well, you can't change your past, but you can do something about your future. The decisions you make for yourself will help you or hurt you, but it is all up to you.

You're more normal than you think - just give yourself a break.Health Question & Answer

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