Embarrassing rash question?!

Question: Embarrassing rash question.?
I have a rash on my left breast and arreola, it's reddish pink, blotchy and itches. I've looked up several rashes (including inflammatory breast cancer) and it looks like it's contact dermatitis. I can't figure out how I could get contact derm. because I haven't used any new lotions, soaps, perfumes or laundry detergent. It hasn't gotten worse, or better so I can't figure out how to get rid of it. I have an appt with my doctor next Wednesday but I'm hoping I can get it to go away before then. Any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

I have had contact dermatitis at times which wasn't from direct contact. What has happened is my hands touched something, and then I touched another area on my body, and that's where I got the rash. I asked my doctor if I was crazy when I realized it was happening, and he said it does happen. Apparently, our hands are not as sensitive as skin on other areas of our bodies, so they may not show the skin reactions, but they will carry the offending agent to other areas.

My worst case of that was pretty embarrassing, as well. It happened on the bottom of both breasts, near where they join to my body, as well as between them, in my cleavage. I had rash, and terrible itching, and I couldn't figure out what it was. Since I happened to have an appointment with my GYN, I used Benadryl to control the problems until I went in to see her. She told me immediately what it was, and I told her I hadn't introduced any new products which would come in contact with that area of my body. First she asked about what my husband might touch during the day, and we dismissed that. She was very curious about lotions or soaps or body washes, and I told her I hadn't changed anything at all. She finally diagnosed it correctly when she asked me to tell her about how I get dressed in the morning. My habit at the time was to close the blinds on our window and then put on my bra and shirt. She said she was pretty sure I was touching something on the blinds and then carrying it onto my body when I put on my bra. She turned out to be right. It turned out that I am allergic to a pollen which collects on our blinds but which you cannot see. Eventually, I became so sensitized to the pollen that my hands now break out if I touch the blinds during the time when that pollen count is very high. (Unfortunately, it is a pollen from trees right outside our window, and it is light colored, like our blinds, so I cannot see it--I have to wear gloves when I clean the blinds.)

My doctor prescribed a cream for me, and that took care of it. She said she would normally not have done that if it hadn't been in that area, but she didn't want me scratching in my sleep. She told me that you can take an allergy medication like Benadryl, or use a cream (Benadryl comes in a cream form, and a gel form, too, I think) for localized problems like that. Both should help, but the bigger problem is finding out the primary source, because you are unlikely to get rid of it completely until you eliminate the offender.

I have had doctors tell me before that one problem, especially for women, is rashes on the breasts because of laundry detergent build up in their bras. Apparently, we all tend to use too much laundry detergent, and the build up can cause problems. It usually doesn't do anything in other areas, but it does on your breasts because they are in close contact with your bra all day. My GYN confirmed that when she did a follow up with me about the contact dermatitis. She said that she sees rashes on breasts all the time, and what she recommends is double rinse cycle on bras, and also washing your bras every other time with no detergent at all--just put them through the cycle with no soap.

Benadryl or a similar antihistamine, and then the new routine for washing your bras are the only things I can suggest. also, you might try wearing something like a tank top when you sleep, so that you cannot easily get at your skin--I know I scratch in my sleep because I have woken up with red nail marks when I know darn well I didn't scratch when I was awake.

Good luck :)Health Question & Answer

Oh my! Many years ago, that happened to me. I went to the doctor and even he was baffled and prescribed a cortisone cream to treat it -- to no avail. It was about a week later that I found out that a puppy I had held had mites! A friend from work had gotten a new puppy. On our lunch break we had gone by her house to see the puppy and I had held it up to my chest. There were many co-workers there, but I was the only one who was affected. I used tinactin on the affected area and finally after about 10 days the rash was gone.

Oh, that was itchy -- and SO embarrassing.

That may not be your problem, but have you been in contact with any new animals.?

Next Wednesday is a long time to wait with a questionable and itchy rash.Health Question & Answer

Benadryl is good for the itch.

There are several types of creams you could try.
A hydrocortisone, an antifungal or even one for a yeast infection. Yes, yeast infection. My 18 mo old had a rash on his abdomen and Monistat cream used to treat yeast infections cleared it up. Go figure. You could give them a try but don't use them together.

also, not that I want to know but something you might think about, could it be related to any *ahem* 'activity' with your husband/boyfriend.? Scratchy face, new shave cream, new face wash, etc... All could leave contact and might cause irritation.Health Question & Answer

I've had this before :( not fun. Try taking a benadryl. It will help with the itching (which you are probably doing in your sleep, making the rash worse)

Of course, if it gets worse, try to see your doctor earlier.Health Question & Answer

GO SEE A DOCTOR!!!! YESTERDAY!!! NOW!!! please....Health Question & Answer

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