A question about Malaria and Mosquitoes...?!

Question: A question about Malaria and Mosquitoes....?
I donated some money to Nothing but Nets and began to wonder...

What do they do about the mosquitoes during the day time when they aren't under the nets.? Are the nets really working.?

Background info: Nothing But Nets is an organization that donates nets to Africa to cover beds so that people aren't attacked by Mosquitoes carrying malaria. Health Question & Answer

On their web site " Bed nets prevent malaria transmission by creating a protective barrier against mosquitoes at night, when the vast majority of transmissions occur. The African malaria mosquitoes generally bite late at night or early morning, between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. A bed net is usually hung above the center of a bed or sleeping space so that it completely covers the sleeping person. A net treated with insecticide offers about twice the protection of an untreated net and can reduce the number of mosquitoes that enter the house and the overall number of mosquitoes in the area. " That is pretty interesting, I had never heard of it before!
Health Question & Answer

mosquitoes are nocturnal and are not around in daylight hours.Health Question & Answer

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