What does it mean when you have frequent nosebleeds?!

Question: What does it mean when you have frequent nosebleeds.?
I've been getting massive nosebleeds that occur frequently, sometimes twice a day. They last anywhere from five minutes to fifteen minutes, and the blood streams out of my nose. There's the odd blood clot, but for the most part it's just plain blood. I go through sometimes half a roll of paper towel just trying to stop it. Could this be an indicator of something wrong.?Health Question & Answer

I used to get them all of the time. I finally found a doc who said...

Too dry and/or too hot in your house. Fresh air helps, open some windows. Doc told me to use a humidifier at night and spray saline solution in my nose several times a day and even during a nose bleed. The saline solution keeps your nostrils moist inside.

Doc said that our mucas membranes are very thin and near the surface therefore they can bleed easily and some worse than others, especially when they are dried up. I was definitely worse than others!

My nose bleeds occurred at first if I blew too much and then it was a spiral. If it was too hot or cold outside the mildest temp change. If I had a cold or laughed or turned my head a certain way. It was a pain in the A__.

I highly recommend the humidifier and the Saline they worked great together. The Saline can be found at any drug store for pennies and there are no side effects. Ask the pharmacist if you can't find one. also try to increase your water intake, this helps to keep your mucas membranes moist also.

If all of this doesn't help, by all means seek professional advice. Best of luck.... Health Question & Answer

There are a lot of potential causes.

-Trauma, including self-induced by nose picking
-Allergic and non-allergic rhinitis
-Hypertension (high blood pressure)
-Use of blood thinning medications
-Alcohol abuse
-Less common causes include tumors and inherited bleeding problems

I've also heard that it could be caused by the onset of type II diabetes.Health Question & Answer

Go see a doctor, it could be lots of things and they will need to do a little testing. Might be as simple as an exposed blood vessel.Health Question & Answer

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