Hypothetically speaking: If everyone in the entire world who is HIV/AIDS postive were annihilated.............?!

Question: Hypothetically speaking: If everyone in the entire world who is HIV/AIDS postive were annihilated..............?
and all blood banks and tranfusions did not contain HIV blood, and all tattoo shops were burned down, would we still have HIV/AIDS today.? #2 Where did HIV come from.? #3 A female and male have unprotected sex, neither of them having HIV before sex. Is it possible that either of them can contract HIV.? Health Question & Answer

1 I would think that the actual virus itself would have to be non existent but there is no way to be sure if all that you said happened.

#2. Despite popular belief that people had sex with a monkey and spread aids that way is a little unrealistic. Have you ever seen a monkey, they are very strong and powerful. A monkey more than likely would not let anyone have sex with them they are very strong, powerful, sharp teeth, ect. In some parts of the world it is not unheard of that people in cities are randomly attacked and sometimes killed by them.

Scientists have been studying this for years, they are now believing that the tribesmen in certain areas in Africa actually hunt monkeys to eat them. HIV is thought to be a virus that was infecting the monkey population or years, yes but the sanitation in these countries is very very poor as well. Many of the tribesmen used knifes, machettes, ect... to kill them splattering blood everywhere during the butchering process. Many of them may have had open sores or freshly cut wound on their hands allowing the virus to enter the body. Sometimes the meat might not have been cooked either at all or properly causing contamination ect.

Then the virus adapted to humans. The virus itself is highly mutatable, changing very quickly, hence no cure yet. and was transferred to other humans through sexual intercourse, blood contamination ......

#3. If a man and a woman never have had sex, never been exposed to the virus from there parents or blood transfusions, dirty needles ect. basically have never been exposed to the virus 100% then I would think no they could not get aids from that moment, but that doesn't mean they can never get it elsewhere. Health Question & Answer

We will always have viruses, whether HIV or some other virus. So even if you magically spirited away all HIV infected people, chances are some other deadly virus will occur. Epidemiologists predict that the next major pandemic is just around the corner but they cannot predict where it will originate or what will cause it. I've heard scientist suggest that many strains of flu originate in parts of Asia where humans leave more closely with animals, specifically birds.

HIV is thought to have been originated from human contact with primates in Africa in the 70s. No one knows for sure.

You cannot contract HIV unless you share bodily fluids with someone who is HIV positive. But unprotected sex is a bad idea because there are any number of things you can catch from someone, even though they may not think they are infected with anything. Health Question & Answer

No, HIV is a monkey virus that got passed over to humans from Africans eating undercooked meat.
Then it got into brothels and spread to England in the 50's and then to America in the 80s.
It would be impossible to eliminate every person with HIV, especially since the symptoms sometimes don't show up for years!
HIV is the most easily preventable disease in the world - NO ONE has to get AIDS. Wear a condom dummy!Health Question & Answer

You'd also have to destroy all dirty needles being used by drug addicts everywhere. Since that would be virtually impossible (not that your entire hypothesis is possible anyway), then we could have HIV/AIDS back in the population before long.

As to being able to contract AIDS if neither partner has HIV/AIDS... No... assuming they stay monogamous and don't do IV drugs.Health Question & Answer

Ans #1: this is too unrealistic to answer

Ans #2: In America HIV came from promiscuous homos and ******* who traveled to other countries such as Africa, had sex with homos over there and cam back to America and gave it to people over here. You should research "Patient Zero." This is a homo who was also a stuart that scientist believed brought HIV here.

Ans #3:NOHealth Question & Answer

Yes it is possible that they could contract HIV, it is possible for anyone to contract it, but they would not be contracting it from each other because neither of them has it. What kind of question is this.?Health Question & Answer

you would need to kill all monkeys to stop it.Health Question & Answer

some people hold these virus with no symptoms, you could be one of them!Health Question & Answer

i heard a man did a monkey.. and then it startedHealth Question & Answer

it came from a monkey (i kno wtf) and i don't think its possible to get it from someone that dosen't have it.Health Question & Answer

thats a good question.

well, something caused it, maybe even thousands of years ago.
who knows untill be figure out how to cure it, we wont know how to get rid of it...

.?Health Question & Answer

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