Is Anal Sex dangerous?!

Question: Is Anal Sex dangerous.?
This might sound like a joke but I really don't know... Is it bad for you or can it hurt you in any way.?Health Question & Answer

Anal sex can be dangerous. But most sexual activities carry a risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from gonorrhoea and herpes, to hepatitis B and HIV. There is evidence that anal intercourse carries a higher transmission risk than almost any other sexual activity.

Anal sex, if practised with care, is possible for most couples. It does, however, carry additional health risks and there are safer sexual practices that couples can enjoy. The main health risks, which affect both heterosexual and homosexual couples, are described below.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): there is good research evidence that anal intercourse carries a greater risk of transmission of HIV - the virus that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) than other sexual activities, particularly for the receptive partner.
Human papilloma virus (HPV, wart virus): can be transmitted during anal intercourse and lead to anal warts, which in turn can predispose infected individuals to cancer of the anal canal.
Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis): is a viral infection that can cause jaundice and abdominal pain. It is not usually a serious illness, although sufferers can feel very ill. It can be transmitted by oral-anal contact.
Hepatitis C: is a cause of progressive and sometimes fatal chronic liver disease. It may be transmitted by anal intercourse, although this seems to be a rare occurrence. Sharing of equipment for intravenous drug use is a far more important risk for transmission.
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli): may cause mild to severe, or even fatal, gastroenteritis. It is one of many bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted by oral-anal contact. Some E. coli strains (uropathic E. coli), probably transmitted during anal intercourse, can also cause urinary tract infections, ranging from cystitis to pyelonephritis - a serious kidney infection.
In women, you can also tear the wall between your anus and vagina by having anal sex, though it is very uncommon...

Personally, I have engaged in anal sex. The entry hurts, but after a few seconds it feels amazing because it hits my G spot.

Always clean the area, empty your bowels before hand, use lubricant and condoms, and STOP if it hurts.

Know thw risks and decide for yourself.Health Question & Answer

Believe it or not, anal sex can be very dangerous, especially for women. Females are at a much higher risk of developing infections from bacteria spreading from the anus to the vagina. also, your rear side has sphincters that tighten and relax which allows you to use the bathroom when you want to and to hold it in. When something, like a penis, is penetrated into your behind, those sphincters are NOT relaxed...they don't want anything going in, only out!!! Anal sex can also cause bleeding, hemorrhoids, and overall discomfort and pain. Health Question & Answer

There is bacteria in the rectum that that cause infection if you do not use a condom, but the penetration itself can be very pleasurable. However, it must be done with the woman setting the pace at her own comfort level. She must be in complete control of the situation. You must also use lot of lube. There are instructional videos on the internet that walk you through the process so it can be safely enjoyed by both of you.Health Question & Answer

Savage is correct, the sphincter is made for exiting. not entering. For some it's a heightened sexual experience but, your going to pay for it with torn hemorrhoids, fistulas etc. There's the chance of the woman getting bacteria in her vagina and suffering from this. .Health Question & Answer

That part of the anatomy isn't designed for that.

It'll likely hurt, and lots of it will cause incontinence and other potential health problems.Health Question & Answer

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