What does it mean when blood is circulating around the tumor in my breast?!

Question: What does it mean when blood is circulating around the tumor in my breast.?
I went for a second opinion about what to do with the tumor in my breast and they did another ultrasound and discovered that there was blood circulating around the tumor. what could this mean.? I've done some research but I can't seem to find my answer.Health Question & Answer

Many breast tumors will have blood flow, but a simple, benign breast cyst will have no blood flow.

Some benign breast tumors, such as a fibroadenoma will have blood flow. But, increased blood flow is an indication of a malignant breast cancer, as growing cancers need a huge blood supply. As a lay person, you will not know if the blood flow was increased or not. The doctors will have to tell you that.

There are other characteristics of malignant breast tumors. The warning signs are increased blood flow, a tumor which is taller than wide, branching (think of tentacles), irregular borders, calcifications (which can be hard to see on ultrasound) and echo shadowing (beneath the tumor is blacked out). All of these things are ominous signs, especially if the doctor sees multiple signs.

Hopefully, your doctors will decide you need a biopsy. That will give you a definate diagnosis. I wish you the best....Health Question & Answer

What kind of tumor is it.?

If it's benign, I can't imagine it's a big deal.

If it isn't benign ... then personally, I would want to be in chemo or have surgery ASAP. You really don't want cancer cells circulating in blood.Health Question & Answer

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