Why are so many parents against the vaccine for Cervical Cancer?!

Question: Why are so many parents against the vaccine for Cervical Cancer.?
I'm trying very hard to understand the opposition to this vaccine. My question is actually aimed more at the parents and in particular the ones who oppose it. I cannot understand why so many parents are objecting to their daughters having this vaccination. In the UK alone up to 400 YOUNG women a year die from cervical cancer, which is a silent cancer. Surely if there is a chance, that your child can be saved from the sheer pain and misery this cancer would give, it's worth the very minor risks of this vaccine.? Do you think there could be a certain element with regards to your opposition because this vaccine is to protect against a sex related virus.? And do you perhaps feel that this is making you bias in your judgment.? The Mary Whitehouse brigade seem to feel that this vaccine is in some way encouraging their child to have sex or lead their child to sexual promiscuity! I fail to understand this attitude. Basically my question is, if this vaccine was say, to immunize against another cancer that was not sex related, would you still feel so strongly against it or is this the main reason for your opposition.?

(I mean no offense to anyone by the way, we are all entitled to our opinions, it's just a simple question. This question isn't intended to cause an argument or offend. There are teenage girls who oppose this vaccine too, but I feel the majority of their views are based on what their parents have said and the fact many teenagers are apprehensive regarding needles and this could be their main concern rather than the vaccine itself)
Health Question & Answer

There are some pretty irrational answers here, one of the problems is the fear of all things new, and the desire of so many people to pick and chose the bits of medicine they fancy, believing what they are told about some scientific truths but not not others.

Dr Wakefield could not have known how far the ripples of public concern would spread when he published his incorrect, and now thoroughly debunked, paper on the dangers of MMR. Somehow he managed to demonise not only that vaccine, but somehow all vaccines!

As you say the vaccine is 70% effective, this is because it does not yet cover all stains of HPV, but while waiting to get the other 30%, this vaccine will save the lives of 280 mainly young women a year, not to mention the countless others who don't die, but end up mutilated by surgery and radiation needed to save their lives.

How can anyone suggest that that is not a worthy aim.? I cant really believe that anyone would think the vaccine would in any way increase sexual promiscuity, does anyone believe that a 14 year old girl thinking of having sex with the boy she thinks she is going to love forever stops and thinks " No I don't think I will, I might get cancer of the cervix.?" I think not, most of them are unaware what the cervix is! Most at that age have no real sense of mortality and indeed most think themselves immortal.

I have watched young women die of cervical cancer, frankly its horrible and I have seen plenty of people die! There heart and lungs are young and strong, they live on riddled with disease and racked with pain that the most massive doses of diamorphine fail to control.

(This sort of question typifies the best of 'Health Answers' it helps to educate and to allay inappropriate fears. It is also why I have so little time for those that try and maliciously disrupt it. Well done Rhianna!)Health Question & Answer

some parents think that if they get their children vccinated it will give them more of a reason to think its okay to hve sex. it might give them a false sense of secruity, it would make them think that they are vaccinated therefore they cant get sick.

what if your child get raped.? what if your child develops the cancer.?
etc. etc.

get your child protected.Health Question & Answer

Because there is no 100% way to prevent cervical cancer. Even the commercials for this vaccine say that it's not 100% effective. and i am not opposed to it, but if its not a guarantee ,than i feel, why botherHealth Question & Answer

because the parents feel like they kids will have sex more likelyHealth Question & Answer

that's what i was wondering. when i went to the doctor, she offered to give me the vaccine, but my mom didn't want to. i asked my mom why, and she said it's because we have to come back 3 times for the full vaccination, and i'm not even involved in sexual activity (i am only 14). well, i think it's more of the second reason. but i was thinking, if i get it now, i won't have to get it later, so why not.?Health Question & Answer

I Did not know some parents are against it. I had a scare 2 years ago with an abnormal smear and still have to have regular smears to check for any changes if the vaccine was available when i was younger my mum would not hesitate to get me it. I have a 13 year old sister and i want her to have the vaccine it is better to be safe than sorry its only 3 doctors appointments out of your life.Health Question & Answer

Because its giving the parents the wrong idea that it is ok for their kids to have sex. It it also gives them a false sense of security about the situation.
But it is best to have your kids to get the vaccination as it is better to be safe than sorry I mean its only 3 visits to to the doctors, besides it is better than having cancer - isn't it.?Health Question & Answer

I don't know; I'm not a parent of a teenage girl so I can't answer from that perspective.

But my guess is it's to do with the recent hysteria over vaccines in general, fueled by the misinformation surrounding the MRI vaccine and autism.

Plus of course, as you say, the notion some people have that being protected against a sexually transmitted disease means kids will run off and have sex at the first opportunity. Just as there'll always be people who think sex education will lead to kids experimenting with sex.

I'm with you on this one - any possible risks are outweighed by the benefits. Anyone who's had a family member or friend diagnosed with cervical cancer must surely want to do all they can to reduce the chances of their daughters getting this potentially deadly disease.

Blondie, this is grown up talk - if you haven't the maturity to join in then away and play with your dolls.Health Question & Answer

I think parents are scared because it's a new vaccine and they don't know much about it.

I wish it was available when I was younger, 2 of my sisters have had cervical cancer, which was luckily detected in the early stages.

It may not have completely protected them from it, but it may have given them a better chance of not getting it.

They both married their one and only boyfriend - so they weren't sexually promiscuous,Health Question & Answer

I think from the chatter amongst the Parents at my Daughter's School are something like,"oh in a vaccine it gives you cancer to stop you getting it,what happens if that bit of Cancer grows from the vaccine.?"

This shows ignorance to be based on the assumption that this vaccine has cancer in it(oh dear,i know) hpv is a virus,this virus has been proven to cause Cancer of the cervix.
Unsafe sex is highly likely in very fit and hormonally challenged young persons,perhaps more-so than in people who take risks when older.It makes sense to have this protection.

For Me I saw my wife die from cervical and Ovarian Cancer,my Daughter has still not quite understood that as my wife was adopted,we didn't realise that there was a genetic link to this on her biological Mothers side and grandmother, one died at 54 (bio mum) grand mother 64 all had hysterectomies and cervix became cancer in situ shortly after hysterectomies.

My wife never had HPV but we were monogamous.The way that people behave now,is not frowned upon,so many more young girls may experiment,as do boys,of course.

the next thing i heard was "it's the govt attempting to sterilise the next generation to control population"

of course no evidence to support conspiracy theories like this

the last most common myth is "it will cause early menopause"

My daughter actually said the most sensible one on Sunday
"Dad,some of them think they can sleep around now they've had the shot"

It was very mature of her,but i assured her that some people will sleep around if that is how they feel anyway.

So i'm not opposed to it and would advise any Parent to protect their Daughters from potential HPV that may turn to cancer.

A concerned Dad Health Question & Answer

As far as I'm concerned it is really a bit of an issue, particularly with respect to young school age girls where the Gardasil vaccine is also being promoted strongly. This vaccination cannot be taken lightly and although it is said to provide protection for upto 85% of HPV, there seems to have been an insufficient length of time (approx. 5 years) of trials to determine any likely side effects. This and the fact that the trials where conducted by the manufacturerers themselves (Merck and GlaxoSmithKline) and not an independant body, is of concern in itself! Further the age of the study group was 15 -26 years, and yet it is being promoted to girls under 15 that have yet to reach puberty. What effect is this likely to have.? Who knows.?
There are numerous articles on the safety and possible side effects and indeed the long term effectiveness of Gardasil to raise sufficient doubt in ones mind as to the necessity of having this particular vaccine. In all it appears that this drug was rushed through before full approval and in fact the FDA have stipulated for Merck to continue the monitoring and long term trial for girls under 15 years to confirm its safety. For us as parents there is sufficient doubt as to the safety that we postponed getting the vaccination for our daughter, until further studies and information comes to hand.

Following are some links to articles on the vaccine which you may wish to read. Ultimately it comes down to a risk evaluation of your own self and if you believe that you may sufficiently at risk of contracting the disease and the precautions that you may need to take so as to minimise the risk.Health Question & Answer

? Because the vaccine can lead to cancer it's mass genocide, the vaccine has mercury in it!! Its the 2d most toxic substance on earth. More people get cancer who take the vaccine's, less females get cancer when they do not take the vaccine. In the UK they plan to give every teenage girl free vaccine to supposedly protect them from cervical cancer. Its the same with all vaccines, children's too, can't you see the huge increase in autism and other learning difficulties. Mercury is a deadly toxin and a baby's undeveloped brain has no resistance to the mercury. The same aply's to the flu jab and the Aids vaccine. The government need sick people because that the biggest money making racket after oil and war. More people make money out of cancer that those who die from it. Do your own research on the Internet, goggle dangerous vaccines or view them on you tube.Health Question & Answer

I dont care or know ha ha. where is Doc Frank.? I want help with my Biology homeworkHealth Question & Answer

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