I am a 64 year old woman, and my doctor has diagnosed me as having irritable bowel syndrome.?!

Question: I am a 64 year old woman, and my doctor has diagnosed me as having irritable bowel syndrome..?
I have been in agony for the last week, has anyone got any suggestion or remedies Health Question & Answer

Your doctor should have reached his diagnosis of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) only as a diagnosis of exclusion. Which means if he can find nothing else wrong then it is probably IBS. He should have performed a colonoscopy and blood tests to check for any abnormalaties. Is your doctor a gastroentorologist.? If not make an appointment with one ASAP. On your own you could try cutting out dairy products for several days. Many who have IBS are lactose intolerant also. Increase the fiber in your diet. The usual symptoms of IBS are alternating constipation and diahreah combined with excessive gas. Pain in your abdomen, usually on the lower left side is common. Imodium or the store version of it will usually calm your instestines. IBS can affect anyone from 10 yrs old to 100 and is usually more common in women. I have been living with it for about 50 years. It is not a life threatening condition but sure can mess up your social life. You get to know where all the rest rooms are. Stress can trigger an attack also. It can be a self perpetuating condition. Your instetines hurt and you feel bloated and you are in public. The emotional stress only makes it worse until you have had enough bowel movements to completely empty. Then you feel all washed out. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

To be honest, home remedies aren't proven very effective with IBS. Antispasmodics or amitriptyline are effective in reducing the spam that causes pain that one gets with IBS. Have a chat with your GP.

Watch your diet, avoid spicy provocative foods! High fibre diets may help, but I think I read in one study, that it can also make the situation worse in some people.Health Question & Answer

IBS is a difficult condition to mange. 50% of patients improve with a high fibre diet, but the other 50% tend to be made worse. The classic prescribed licenced management, Colpermin, which is just high dose peppermint oil is often useless and can produce severe heartburn. Antispasmodics often reduce the spasm, but don't affect the other symptoms.

The only drug I ever found that produced consistent results was low dose amitriptylline. This was used as anantidepressant in the past. It is still used to manage atypical and neuropathic pain. It is thought that in IBS it acts as a smooth muscle relaxant.Health Question & Answer

I've had this for years, to control it I use Boots own IBS tablets which relax the bowl. You will have to watch your diet, nothing spicey or gassy. Sometimes fibre helps, in my case it makes it worse. Its nothing serious just painful and comes and goes.
Hope your Doc gave you some advice on this, if not try Netdoctor.
Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Your doctor should recommend a diet for you. He should have given you a medicine similar to milk of magnesia, which really helps. Ibs is much more than a pain in the butt, it can give you aches and pains everywhere. The trick is in learning what foods aggrevate it and avoiding them.Health Question & Answer

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