Emergency: High Blood Pressure Help?!

Question: Emergency: High Blood Pressure Help.?
My mom has registered high systolic pressure repeatedly throughout a day of blood pressure reading. Her lowest reading is 163/73 and her highest is 182/93. Her last reading is the lowest. She seems to be in no pain and is currently sleeping. Is this an emergency.?Health Question & Answer

Her blood pressure is way too high. Normal bp is considered 120/80 and below, 140 is considered high.

The fact that she had a severe headache concerns me. She may have had a mild stroke or a T.I.A (Transient Ischemic Attack) aka 'mini-stroke'. What differentiates a T.I.A from a stroke is that the symptoms of T.I.A typically only last for a few minutes to 24 hours, and there is no permanent brain damage.

A large percentage of the people who have full blown strokes have had a T.I.A. so they often serve as a warning sign of what's to come.

She really needs to see a doctor. If she has recuperated from her headache, and her bp is fine, then you should be okay to wait till Monday, but if it gets that high again, or if she experiences any of the below symptoms before then, you should take her to emergency right away.

* Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
* Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
* Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
* Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
* Sudden, severe headache with no known cause

Until the doctor can determine the cause of her high bp and recommend a course of action for her, there are a few things she can do to help lower her bp until then, since high bp can lead to a stroke.

* Exercise. (I have lowered my bp by 20 points, just by taking a single brisk half hour walk. You have to do it everyday to keep it down though)
*Celery, onions, and raw garlic also help to lower bp.
*Diuretics help to lower pb. Dandelion leaf is good because it is a diuretic that contains high levels of potassium, a mineral which other diuretics deplete from the body.
*Maintain a low sodium/high potassium ratio in the diet. So, she should avoid salt, and eat a few bananas.

There are many other things she can do, but I would rather keep it to that small, simple, safe list, since I don't know any other details of her health.

Good luck! And please come back and let us know how she is doing :)

Health Question & Answer

Her blood pressure is a bit high, though not life-threatening. There are a number of things she can do to improve the situation.

Garlic pills are very helpful for lowering blood pressure - or she can just eat a lot of fresh raw garlic in food. Potassium rich foods are also important. Foods rich in potassium include:
Bell pepper
Crimini mushrooms
Brussels sprouts

Have her drink some dandelion tea, as it is a natural diuretic and useful for lowering blood pressure. Of course, lowering her salt intake goes without saying and I'm sure you know that already.Health Question & Answer

That is a very high reading, but I wouldn't consider it an emergency unless she has other symptoms such as a severe headache, nose bleeds, disorientation, etc. However, if it was me I'd have her call her family Dr ASAP.Health Question & Answer

She's better see her doctor as soon as possible. I don't know if it's an emergency, I think not as long as nothing else is going on with her, but she needs to see her doctor and get on meds before she has a stroke.Health Question & Answer

Is you mom overweight.? The best thing you can usually due to bring down blood pressure is get your weight down to a health one.Health Question & Answer

163/73 is not a serious problem, though it is high. The question is, is she diabetic.?


She needs to be seen by a doctor. Don't mess around with this. Health Question & Answer

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