Loads of people have a cold- how can I avoid it?!

Question: Loads of people have a cold- how can I avoid it.?
I'm already a hand sanitizer and hand washing fanatic.
And I'm taking vitamins.
But I'm a slight germa-phobe and staying healthy really stops me going insane.
Does anyone have any other ideas that could reassure me.?
Health Question & Answer

Wash your hands. Studies have shown that hand washing is the best deterrent to catching a cold. Since you're already a hand washer, you're steps ahead of everyone else.

Otherwise, eat right and get enough sleep. There have been studies on whether echinacea and zinc are good preventatives but if you google that, you'll get pretty much inconclusive results. I worked for an ENT doctor who swore by echinacea while other docs think it's worthless.

Being a germaphobe is not a bad thing. I'm one, and I rarely get sick during cold and flu season.Health Question & Answer

At the first sign of a cold I use airborne or zicam. It seems to boost my immune system so I am not affected. You have to keep taking it though, I made that mistake and stopped and then I got sick. Other than that you washing your hands often helps and not touching your face with your hands also helps.Health Question & Answer

Other than doing your best to avoid the people who have a cold, there is really nothing more you can do since you are already taking good pre cautions. Good luck, it's that time of year unfortunately. :(Health Question & Answer

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