I have a 5yr old that was dignosed with pneumonia last night....?!

Question: I have a 5yr old that was dignosed with pneumonia last night.....?
My question is I have two other kids an 8yr old and an 11month old preemie do I need to worry about the other two kids getting it.? What do I need to do to prevent it and how do you know if they do get it.? Just don't want to take any chances.Health Question & Answer

i dont think pneumonia is contagious just to be on the safe side follow all the doctors orders and try to keep them in seperate rooms espeacially the baby.

added. here is another question asked by another person on another site.

My son has bacterial pneumonia, and I'm worried that my other children will catch it too. What can I do to help prevent it from spreading to the rest of my family.?
- Joanna

Strictly speaking, pneumonia itself is not contagious, but the bacteria and viruses that sometimes cause pneumonia can be. Once your son is taking the proper antibiotics for his bacterial infection, there should be minimal risk of passing the organism on - though you'll want to speak with your doctor about that. It's a good idea to encourage everyone in your household to wash their hands frequently and correctly (for at least 20 seconds, rubbing hands together with soap and water). Keep your son's drinking glasses and eating utensils separate from those of other family members, and remember to wash your hands after handling any used tissues or handkerchiefsHealth Question & Answer

don't worry about it. it is similar to a cough.. and it just get so bad that it affected the lungs.

What you can do is to ensure your 5 y.o don't sneeze or cough at them.

But do try to avoid letting your 11month old go too close, as it is just a very short path from the nose to the lung (for a baby), it is easier for them to come down with it, at a much quicker rate.

In addition, get your kids inoculated with flu jab as soon as possible, and update it every year.Health Question & Answer

The likelihood is that your child has a community acquired pneumonia ... which is generally contagious .. and the preemie is at greatest risk .... but ... this is pure speculation ... you need to speak to your pediatrician and find out what type of pneumonia it is .... and what should be done to protect your children ....

The #1 thing to do is encourage good handwashing!Health Question & Answer

Really u should take them back to the doctor and have them tell you all of the precauthions to take. BUT DEFINATELY keep the preemie away from him, she will be especcially able to get the disease because her immune system wasn't fully developed.Health Question & Answer

I get pneumonia all the time and I gotta tell you... anyone who gets near me gets sick... but not with pneumonia... they usually only get URI's.

I would keep your kids separated as best as you could. Use common sense... like, hand washing, Lysol, good hygiene, etc, etc. Health Question & Answer

A long as he/she is on antibiotics then your other kids shoulde be fine. However, once someone gets pneumonia, it's really easy for them to get it againHealth Question & Answer

Yes! It is contagious! Keep your other children away & make sure you keep yourself covered as well. If you get it then you can pass it. Didn't your Dr. give you any information.?Health Question & Answer

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