What is Glutathione is it ready can cure glaucoma?!

Question: what is Glutathione is it ready can cure glaucoma.?
I read a few years back about an ophthamologist in the State of Washington who was having success treating patients with a natural food. Studies have shown that the eyes are depleat in the natural substance called Glutathione (your body makes this). What he did was have his patients dissolve a pinch of 100% bio-available whey protein isolate in sterile saline solution (like what Bausch and Lomb sell over the counter). You simply put a couple drops in each eye 2-3 times per day. It takes 3-4 months for the body to heal itself, but he found remarkable results. You could Google "glaucome, glutathione" or "glaucoma , whey protein" if you want to find out more.

Briefly why it works. Every cell in your body requires glutathione. When your body, or a part is depleated, the cells will oxidyze more readily. also, your body will not make a new cell if there is insufficient glutathione available to protect it. Bio-available simply means that it is ready to be used by a cell. Thus, the cells in the eye will absorb the protein and the essential amino acids it provides will directly be used to manufacture glutathione. That's it in a nutshell.
? 4 hours ago
Health Question & Answer

Basically, a glaucoma cure currently does not exist, but there are many things you can do to help protect your vision. Yes, there is now an emerging research that suggests that a small protein called glutathione plays a significant role in protecting the eyes. Given that Glaucoma patients have been found to generally have very low glutathione levels, increasing glutathione levels with improved ocular nutrition can halt progress and often reverse these conditions. Alpha-Lipoic Acid may also help in the natural treatment of Glaucoma, because of its ability to regenerate several antioxidants back to their active states, but in the case of acute angle-closure glaucoma, treatment must be initiated immediately to prevent permanent vision loss. In this case, the patient must be treated medically and should not attempt to use natural therapies or nutritional supplements.

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