Plez help! I might have a urinary tract infection; moneys too tight now to go to the doctor?!

Question: Plez help! I might have a urinary tract infection; moneys too tight now to go to the doctor.?
I might be getting a urinary tract infection cause for past couple of days, I find myself having to take a p*$$ more often than usual and have that full bladder feeling all the time even shortly after I go. I don't have any burning sensations, it's not painful when I urinate, and there's no weird color or foul smell either. You see I'm a huge coffee drinker, like today, I had a double latte from Starbucks, drank 3 cups of water at Bread Company, and just downed a 20 oz water bottle about 20 minutes ago, so I wonder if it's just my bladder being overstimulated from all the drinking. also, I've been really stressed out from trying to figure out what I wanna do for the rest of my life, so maybe stress causes frequent urination.
I'm a recent college grad and currently cannot get health coverage through my work cause it's a temp/part time job; and yes I've been working my @$$ off finding a job with benefits. Therefore money is tight now, so I'd rather not go to a doctor. If it's a UTI, is there anyway I can resolve the infection on my own.? I've been drinking lots of water and staying away from sodas as a start, and tomorrow, I gonna go buy a cranberry juice concentrate. Since frequent urination is my only symptom, could I still have a UTI.? Health Question & Answer

Other than the over full feeling and needing to urinate frequently you don't sound like you have one or if you do you might have the just the start of one. However now for the good news you are doing the right things drinking lots of fluids will basically help flush your kidneys. Think like flushing the radiator out on your car. The more fluids you are pushing the more likely it is to flush the infection out. Be aware that caffeine can be a diuretic. It can in some people increase the need to urinate (my mother). What could be causing the need to go well how about the following reasons.? No offense meant when asking this question but could you be pregnant.? Early pregnancy commonly causes frequent trips to the bathroom. Have you changed your diet or routine recently.? This might have an affect on you or have you been taking any herbs/medicines recently.? Any of these might be causes for it along with good old fashioned stress. Health Question & Answer

having that full bladder feeling is one of the symptoms of a uti. As a rule if your drink plenty of water you will pee a lot of water. Plenty of cranberry juice. If you do start the burn you can buy otc AzoStandard. If symptoms keep persisting you could have something else wrong Best wishes.Health Question & Answer

OK, cut back on your coffee drinking AND meat/animal products consumption. I know it sounds wierd, but I had the same thing.
Then after I became vegan, in less that a week, I stopped visiting the bathroom several times in the night, and have become less bloated. My shoes are not swollen anymore. There is something to this.
Health Question & Answer

Start drinking cranberry joice and eating at least one yogurt a day.Health Question & Answer

Drink as much water as u can and keep ur urinary areas clean and infection free.Health Question & Answer

Everyones answered pretty much what I woulda said already...the bladder feeling full could also be pms symptoms as well as other things. Urinating a-lot is coz of your drinking so much fluids, I'd cut back on the coffee however. And yes cranberry juice and yogurt help balance the pH in your body and can help UTI's, without the burning urination I wouldn't worry sounds like you have enough things to worry about!Health Question & Answer

You should try cutting out the coffee for a little while. Coffee, as you probably already know, is a diuretic and so it makes you go pee more often. It doesn't sound really abnormal to me though, to drink a 20oz water bottle and 3 cups of coffee and you're going all the time. That's a lot of liquid + a diuretic, so lots of bathroom trips.

I think your idea is good of drinking cranberry juice (without sugar) and also you could add acidophyllus (yogurt tablets) to your diet everyday. That will help eliminate the bad bacteria and replace the good bacteria.

also, cutting out sugar entirely, would be helpful because sugar weakens your immune system. When we eat sugar, our white blood cells go after it in our system and then they die. So it lowers our white blood cell count, which is responsible for our immune system. So cutting out sugar will improve your overall health.

If you try all this stuff and you still feel like you have a bladder infection, after a couple of weeks, I would try and get to a doctor somehow because you don't want to leave a bladder infection unchecked, you can become incontinent. (I think that you would probably start to experience other symptoms though first such as burning when you urinate or some other type of discomfort in that area )Health Question & Answer

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