I keep getting Bv!! no rude answers?!

Question: I keep getting Bv!! no rude answers.?
I keep getting bv im a very clean person n i dont know y i keep getting this after i get treated for it. i have two partners right now my current bf of 6 months n my x of two yrs. R they the reason i keep getting this.? How do i stop it from coming back.? Please help.Health Question & Answer

I use to get it back to back for two years! One of the causes can be linked to having more than one sex partner at a time but I was getting it even when I was celibate for a year! If you douche or wear thongs on an everyday basis then that could be the primary reason. It happens when there is an overload of the bad bacteria down there and it causes the infection. There is good bacteria and bad bacteria and there has to be a balance between the two. I know that it can be a pain but just keep getting it treated and be glad and thankful that it is something that can be treated! If you are doing any of the things i listed above or using perfumed soaps or sprays, scented tampons or liners and taking bubble baths stop those things immediately and see if that helps...it should.

It's your business but you should also try one partner at a time! Just think if you have them both...9 times out of 10 they are doing the same and I don't want you to have something worse than bv ok.

Hope this helps...best wishesHealth Question & Answer

Bactria Vaginosis....it is just the way your body telling you it THINKS something is wrong. Make sure you don't use scented toilet paper, sex creams, or flavored condoms. For the most part there are woman that are just very sensitive to things and our body will think something is wrong and overload on white blood cells. That is all the BV really is. It is not uncommon. After my first child I use to get it all the time. Wish I could tell you it is going to stop, but everyone is different. Health Question & Answer

ewww you should not have 2 partners at the same time thats just wrong, no wonder you keep getting bv your having loads of sex with 2 people.
I feel sorry for these men!!! do they know about eachother cos if they do then they are just as bad.
People like me who dont cheat or have too many sexual partners end up with std's and people like you open your legs and all you end up with is bv, you deserve something worse you want to tink yourself lucky!Health Question & Answer

I hear ya Rabbit, what is Bv.? Heard of VD, but not BVHealth Question & Answer

what is bv.?Health Question & Answer

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