When will this nose bleeding stop?!

Question: When will this nose bleeding stop.?
I'm feeling really awful right now. Right now it's 90 degrees here in Los Angeles and my nose has been bleeding non-stop for over an hour.

When will the bleeding end, will I die from loss of too much blood.?Health Question & Answer

Pinch your nose closed just below the bridge of your nose for 10 minutes, no peeking.
Keep your head tilted forward...if you tilt it back you can start to swallow blood.
Keep your head above the level of your heart, this should slow down bleeding.
Put ice pack on bridge of your nose.
If after 10 minutes is up see if nose is still bleeding...if it is,do for another
10 minutes.
If it doesn't stop after that go to ER to have nose cauterized (will make nose stop bleeding.)

Google: medlineplus>>health topics>>nose disorders>>nose bleeds

Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

I think that you should try to put a cold bag of peas on your nose or a bag of something cold (tilt your head back a little). Sometimes tilting you head back works but I always thought that blowing your nose (not to hard) would get rid of it faster (it works for me). If it has been bleeding really hard in last hour with no signs of the blood starting to stop by then, Go to the emergency room at the Hospital and I hear they can seal your vein shut or something so you won't ever get a bloody nose again. Hope this worksHealth Question & Answer

apply an ice pack to your nose and hold your head back with a slight amount of pressure to the area. do not blow your nose or bend over. it definately should be at least slowing down if not stopped soon. you might have something wrong with the ability for your body to form clots. if it doesn't stop soon i would seek medical attention.Health Question & Answer

Don't panic sweetie, it'll go away, get an ice or cold water put in ice bag or something, hold it on you fore head with you heads-up.This is just first aid ok.?, if its goes continually, you need to go to the doctor ok.?, you need your family to be with ya!, take care of yourself. God bless.Health Question & Answer

If it has been bleeding for an hour the best thing to do is go to the ER because there is something seriously wrong. If you go to the ER they can cauterize the bleeding vessel and stop the bleeding.

Go to the ER

Health Question & Answer

Pinch the bridge of your nose between your eyes and look up just a bit. soon the bleeding should slow and then get to a ccooler place. in about a few minutes to half and hour the bleeding should stop

~CoriHealth Question & Answer

sounds like you need medical attention. you need to have it cauterized.Go to the er. It was not that hot today in la, by the way....Health Question & Answer

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