Woke up with itchy bites on my feet.?!

Question: Woke up with itchy bites on my feet..?
Just about an hour ago I woke up with severe itching on my foot. I got up and saw these 3 bites. One by my big toe, one by the top of my foot and one just above my ankle. They look like mosquito bites but a little smaller and they itch about 1000 times worse.? Has anyone had something like this.? What could they be.? My husband and son don't seem to get them, but then again I have been sleeping on the couch and they have been in the rooms. Could I have some type of bug in my hiding in my couch.? I know we have had a problem with ants coming in through the back door recently because of all the rain and flooding over here. Could it be ant bites.? Anyone have any ideas.? Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Mosquito bites just itch, Spider bits are smaller they itch then give a burning sensation after. I get bit a lot by spiders when I'm sleeping after a couple days they form a little pus bubble on the bump. Ant bites don't itch at all usually unless maybe you're allergic to them.Health Question & Answer

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