What is an enlarged heart?!

Question: What is an enlarged heart.?
my mom had a stress test done and they found that she has a enlarged heart, and i want to know what is it.? can anyone help me better understand what this is.........Health Question & Answer

It's exactly what it sounds like.

Your mother has a larger-than-average heart. This can be due to a lot of things, even genetics. So, you might want to get yourself checked out as well.

An enlarged heart can have trouble pumping blood, an abnormal heartbeat, and can sometimes raise your risk of heart attacks. It's a treatable condition, so I wouldn't be too worried unless your mother is having a lot of health problems or pain in her arms and chest. If she has poor circulation, that could be a signal as well.

People who are overweight can also have an enlarged heart, and weight loss is a quick way to ease the stress on the organ.

Best wishes to you and your mother.Health Question & Answer

Exactly what it sounds like. The size of the heart is larger than it should be for some reason. The heart may have stretched out, the walls of the heart may have thickened, etc, etc. There are several different diseases that are referred to as enlarged heart when explaining it to the average person.

If you want more information about exactly what is wrong, then you need to know the exact clinical name of what she has.

For instance I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In my case the flesh in the lower part of my heart has thickened to 3 times the normal size in spots. It can be a deadly condition. It is cause by either infection or inherited.

On the over hand obese people have problems with their hearts stretching out as they get older because it is too hard for the heart to work, and it become worn out over a very long period of time.

Both of these can be referred to as an enlarged heartHealth Question & Answer

My father, his friend and a physical education teacher friend of mine all had enlarged hearts. It just means that their hearts were larger than normal. I the old days, it was thought that it was dangerous, but now they have medication etc. to take care of it.
Often it was caused by stress and athletic people often have this condition.Health Question & Answer

Enlarged Heart is abnormal enlargement of heart i.e., larger than normal heart.It is caused due to stress and tension.Better you concern heart surgeon as early as possible and tell your mother not to feel tense for unnecessary things and should maintain good diet.Health Question & Answer

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