I got bronchitis, is there natural treatment?!

Question: I got bronchitis, is there natural treatment.?
This morning I got message from my doctor, that I got bronchitis. I understand that the doctor will prescribe chemical medicines. I try to avoid that and or at least to minimize using chemical medicine. My question, do you any natural and or herbal treatment for bronchitis.?

Health Question & Answer

Herbal and homeopathic remedies have been used for centuries to treat a number of conditions, and so it is not surprising to find that natural cures or supplements to alleviate bronchitis symptoms have been supplied by nature.

Herbs such as Althea Officinalis (Marshmallow), Hyssopus Officinalis (Hyssop), and Sambucus Nigra (Elder) have long been used for their soothing effect on inflamed and irritated mucous membranes, while promoting respiratory health and vitality.

There are also a few tissue salts known for their tonic effect on the overall respiratory system such as Bryonia (30C) and Kali. Mur. (6C.) While these ingredients help relieve troubling bronchitis symptoms, other remedies are especially helpful in assisting with speedy recovery and boosting the immune system to help your body fight off infection.

Herbs such as Echinacea purpurea, Astragalus membranaceous, Inula helenium and Withania somnifera are commonly used for their antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, as well as their ability to support the immune system. These herbs work as a tonic for the immune system and are often recommended to prevent and assist recovery from illness or infection.

Always be sure to obtain natural remedies from a reliable, trustworthy source to ensure safety and maximum effectiveness.

Health Question & Answer

maybe either honey mixed with black tea or green tea will help you. drink plenty of fluids but try to get a dr's appointment and ask them about it as well. they may recommend antibiotics for it.Health Question & Answer

death will cure it for u.. go and get some antibioticsHealth Question & Answer

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