Am I allergic to this food item? What could cause this reaction?!

Question: Am I allergic to this food item.? What could cause this reaction.?
I've noticed anytime I eat red skinned potato salad I get extremely sick, almost like getting the flu but with violent vomiting.

But I don't think its just from the red skinned potatoes i think it maybe from other ingredients. But with any other type of potato salad I feel fine eating it.

I'm pretty sure I've even eaten whole buttered red skinned potatoes before this happened and have not gotten sick.

I'm just trying to figure out what it is thats causing it, or if I'm really allergic or not.Health Question & Answer

You definitely sound like you have a food allergy. It's likely one of the ingredients in the potato salad. Are there any foods that you know for sure that you're allergic to.? Sometimes things that we don't expect can wind up in random places. I used to eat chicken salad all the time. I ordered a chicken salad sandwich last month at a restaurant and had an allergic reaction (mouth swelling, throat swelling, tightness in my chest, and vomiting). Turns out there were walnuts finely ground up in the chicken salad (the menu didn't say there were walnuts in the chicken salad either). I never even tasted them, nor did I expect them to be there because I had never had any chicken salad before with nuts in it. So likely there's some ingredient in the potato salad you're not aware of. Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

It sounds like something else in the potato salad is making you ill. Check out the other ingredients carefully, if this is store-bought it may have some preservatives in it. Health Question & Answer

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