Are we wrong to be available to administer son's insulin on school trip?!

Question: Are we wrong to be available to administer son's insulin on school trip.?
My 8 year old son is a type 1 diabetic and has been from the age of 4. He only allows myself and husband to give his injections and won't hear of anyone else doing it and so far is very nervous of doing them himself, he makes attempts but then gets very upset so we havent' pushed him and his diabetic nurse said not to worry the time will come when he will want his own independance and will start to do them voluntarily.

Another child in my son's school was diagnosed when she was 7 and while in the hospital was taught to do her own injections so her parents were never involved, but she was that bit older which made it easier.

My son is to go on his first overnight stay with school next month and after discussing with him attempting again to try injections he is adament he still isn't ready. My husband and I decided to have a mini holiday in the same area as the school is staying and told his teacher we would pop round to the youth hostel 10 minutes before the evening meal and breakfast to administer his insulin. She seemed surprised and said if he couldn't do it himself she could do it, this wasn't an option to us (and I doubt their insurance would cover her if anything went wrong).

Today we have received a summons to a school meeting on Friday with the Head, his teacher and the school nurse who feel we aren't allowing him his independance and feel as though they are being 'stalked' by us. Part of the 'stalking' accusation is because we often go to the public viewing gallery to watch when my son's class are swimming, which we knew they weren't keen on but didn't know it was such a big issue to them.

I want to be fully prepared for this meeting on friday but am not very clear on the arguments I could put forward. I've got a few points that I know I'm going to say but wondered if anyone else had a take on the whole thing (or maybe even think the school is right) I want it looking at objectively.

I have left a message for his diabetic nurse to see if she can attend with us but she hasn't got back to us yet, if she can't I'm going to ask her to write a supporting letter for us

thanks for any help or advice
DawnHealth Question & Answer

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 8. My parents gave me my insulin injections until I was about 9 1/2. I remember being afraid to do it myself. One day I decided to try it on my own - after that my parents never gave me a shot again. I liked feeling in-control when giving my shots. I could go as slow or fast as I wanted and I felt like it hurt less when I did it. You're absolutely right though - your son shouldn't be pushed to do something he doesn't want to do. I know I wouldn't want anyone else besides my parents giving me my shots at that age either. My mom always wanted to check up on me, especially in elementary school. She actually got a job as a noon-aid to keep an eye on me. That's ridiculous that they're making a big deal out of your concern for your son. They obviously don't understand what it's like to have a diabetic child. Good luck with everything!Health Question & Answer

the school is opening a very big bag of worms here as no first aider of any kind is allowed to do invasive procedures ie give an injection, they could be sued.Health Question & Answer

i agree
if hes not ready to do it maybe he not ready to go on tripHealth Question & Answer

Oh I hate these jobs worth people,What's the public viewing gallery for It's there for the parents to see the progress of there children,I'm suspicious of teachers anyway most of them end up on the sex offenders register,If your son is not ready to do his own injections why should some nurse with jack boot rash traumatise him Health Question & Answer

There should be some national guidelines concerning these issues, even in the UK. Check with your local or national diabetes association for information.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but here is my opinion on the situation:

Do you admisister his vaccinations too.? Or does the doctor or nurse get to do that.?

Yes, some kids aren't ready to care for themselves in many respects, but ultimately, your son may have to decide which is more important - going on the trip and having to administer insulin himslef or by someone other than his parents, or staying home because he's not ready. At that age, he should already be wanting to a little more 'grown up' so he fits in with his peers.

We took overnight and week long trips by age 8, and the school always sent a nurse. Maybe it's time to introduce him to her.

As for 'stalking', It's one thing to go to the swim meets, quite another to attend every practice. There are three kinds of arents - ones who attend nothing and teachers wonder if the kid has parents, those that attend events (games, concerts, whatever) and at least the teacher can recognize them, and those that attend everything even practice, trips, and bake sales to the point that teachers don't look forward to doing anything because of it and the poor kid gets teased by the others because he can't go anywhere without mommy showing up. The kids in this latter group never really fully grow up and will still need somebody to help them make their decisions. Decide now what kind of parent you want to be and how adult you want your son to become, or you may be moving with him when he goes to college.

Health Question & Answer

Your son is only 8 years old, in time, as you said, he will feel more confident doing his own injections. I would basically explain to the school what you have done here. My dad always sat in the public gallery when I went on swimming trips if he wasn't on duty. There's nothing wrong with that. Your son is 8 not 18! I think the school are being a little OTT. If you really feel the need, obtain a letter from your sons diabetic Nurse/GP that states you have discussed the issue of your son not wanting to administer the insulin himself. To be honesty, as I have said, your son is only 8, it's not like he's a teenager. If the issue is forced at this young age, it's likely to do more harm than good.

With regards to your teacher administering the insulin, this can be a problem as simply their insurance would not cover them to do so. But with that said, there are Epileptic people at school as well as people with severe allergies who many require medicine to be administered in an emergency, so there must be some facility for that.? Someone at the school much be trained for this, usually the school will send school first aiders on relevant courses in administering certain drugs.Health Question & Answer

Tell your son's school to take a long walk off a short pier. If you feel you need to be there to give him a shot, by all means do it. This is that child's life we are talking about. That teacher needs to take a break and understand that your son, not hers, needs help from his parents. Health Question & Answer

This is not an easy question to answer because there are so many variables,i also have the feeling that maybe there is more to your question than you have said.
You say that having the teacher administer your sons insulin is not an option with you ,you do not say if it is an option with your son.also when you say about the issue of "stalking"you say part of the stalking accusation is the swimming what is the other part.?.
I am not a teacher but i do have three children and ten grandchildren and i realise that all children are different.Two of my children are epileptic as am i and i did everything in my power to not make them feel different or the odd one out.When they went swimming with the school i felt sick with worry and like you wanted to be there but i did not go.In these days of bullying any child who stands out is a prime target and your son has enough to cope with because of his diabetes.
If his teacher feels confident enough to administer his insulin why not allow her to, if she is willing to do it then she must have done this before.
Your son is only eight but he looks to you to give him confidence and help him in the process of growing up.
If you really feel that you have got to be close on your mini holiday why not give your phone number to your sons teacher .If you stay reasonably close then if there is a problem the teacher could call you but do not let your son or his friends know that you are there.
I honestly do know how you feel but your son is now entering the age where he is feeling his feet and you must help him to do this.Good luck and do try not to worry too much i am sure everything will be fine.Health Question & Answer

OMG - this is terrible, the school are behaving as if he is their child! As parents, you have the rights not the school. Do NOT be intimidated by them. You and your son have the right to decide when the best time for him to administer the injections, not anyone else.

I can't believe you are being accused of stalking. This had made me quite angry, the school have no right to make you feel like this.

You should speak to the local authority and complain. Please do not let the school make you feel bad.Health Question & Answer

i understand why your son doesn't want to do his own shots because well he never has had to before. But honestly you really need to give your kid some independence because well its not going to work if you have to follow him around forever, think about it what happens when he gets older and starts going out and stuff, he cant have you show up at a restaurant when hes 14 to give him a shot, hes going to have to do it himself and the sooner the better because the longer you wait them more hes not going to want to do it. I know this is not a great thing but just bribe him be like if you do your injections for a week i will buy you (insert expensive toy here) and whenever he asks you to do it remind him about that toy.

But then again the school should not be expecting him to take care of himself hes only 8 they should be sending a nurse or having you chaperon this trip. because a 8 year old can not be responsible for that.

but hey why not let the teacher do it i mean its only a little itty bitty needle its not like she can screw it up that much

but honestly you do really need to back of a little the more you hang around the "weirder" you kid will seam to the other kids and really do you want your kid to be the weird one no one wants to play with, no you really don't. so try and give him some independence.

how about a insulin pump that could be really helpful for him.

o well sorry you know what i just what to help the poor kid so he dosent end up as a social outcast, i understood this even when i was 7 that you cant do things that make you weird and different like having your mother hang around 24/7. an dthe kid has to take care of himself idk i guess i just grew up in a different kind of family my parents arnt involved in my life at all they dont give a **** what i do and you know what i can take perfectly good care of myself and i have since i was 9 years old. if you coddel your baby boy for the rest of his life hes not going to be independent. i mean im a consular at a diabeties camp in the summer and you can tell what kids are codeled by their parents, their the ones that withdraw from the activites and are nervous and anxious about everything. and dont give me the crap about him only being 8 i was 7 when i was diagonosed and even in the hospital i wouldnt let anyone come near me with a needel i did it all myself.
and you know what i turned out damn well im at the top of my class, play on the best field hockey team in my state and have a good job that pays me $14 a hour, and i still make time to hang out with my friends, i will go to the best collage and i will get a good job. ok so if you want to protect your kid from the world thats fine. your not helping him. independence is the best thing you can teach your childHealth Question & Answer

i don't see a problem. forcing your child to do the insulin himself or forcing him to allow some1 else to do it that he is against is just wrong. i understand that the school wants him to have indepenace but he is clealy saying that he is not ready for this step. u are his parents...u make the decisions. i would worry about a school who feel that it is a big deal that a parent will be in the same vacinity as the children on the school trip! what have they got to hide.?

also, the teacher who says she would give the insulin is completely wrong in doing so. it is not her job and she should not be considering this! I must say that maybe you should try to give ur son a litle more freedom as far as the swimming classes go. i understant=d though how difficult it is for parents to put their trust in others.

at the end of the day, he is your child and you do what u feel is best for him and that is all that matters. He is only 8 years old therefore he should not be expected to be highly independent yet anyways. good luck. sorry for rambling so much lolHealth Question & Answer

Wow! What an uncaring school!! It took me about 3 weeks to do my first injection when I was 26 and they wouldn't let me leave the hospital until I'd done it. Ask his diabetic nurse to take in a saline injection and offer it to the head teacher, see how quickly she'd be willing to take the injection.

I'm gobsmacked that they think your stalking your child when most probably any other school would have loved the opportunity to have such caring parents be around to make sure your son gets the medical attention he needs and still gets to go on a school holiday. The only other option you have is to withdraw him from the chance of having the holiday and that then makes the school responsible for isolating him due to a medical condition which would make them discriminatory. Tell them if they don't agree to it you'll fire off a letter to the newspaper and contact the council's education department to see what their take on it is.

Might be worth asking the nurse about an insulin pump being fitted too.Health Question & Answer

okay since they seem to want to intimidate you ,do a little intimidation yourself take a barrister with you and tell them that you are just protecting you and your sons rights . You have every right to oversee your sons health care and they are acting like this child is theirs . You might want to remind them that they are not the parents of this child. I cannot believe that they have a problem with two very loving and very active parents and if the nurse says he is not ready then obviously he is not . go with your gut feelings . I would so be ready to do battle with them . game on so to speak . good luck .Health Question & Answer

I am surprised they do overnight trips at 8 years old! Are you in the usa.?

He is only 8 years old- that's not an adult. If he was 16, I could understand their concern. With all the bad things that happen to kids today, you think they would be happy to have parents who love their children.

My mother won't let my brother sleep over for an overnight trip and drove him to the trip in the day time because she felt he was too young. also their were supervisor their that did not have the FBI clearance need to be a teacher- so my mother won't leave him with those people. He was 12!

Health Question & Answer

Your son is 8 years old .. therefore, if he still isn't ready to inject himself, there's no problem! You are the parent, and you have that right. He is YOUR son, nobody elses! They aren't being 'stalked' by you -- a caring parent. These are just excuses being made by them. I don't think I would allow a strange teacher to administer a needle to my son either! I couldn't imagine how scared she would make him as well. I don't see the problem here. I mean it's not even like you're staying WITH them, you're staying in a totally different place and just showing up right before the meals to administer a shot that takes 20 seconds! I'd be furious with the school. Tell them if they don't allow you to give him his insulin you'll come after them with a lawsuit for them preventing medical treatment that is obviously very important.

Sorry I couldn't help more, but your question really had me mad at your son's school. :) Good luck & I hope it works out!

ADD - also, who the HE()L is the school board to be telling you that your child is being deprived of independence.? He's EIGHT! & YOUR son! UGH, I'd be so mad. I'm sorry you're dealing with these idiots!

ANOTHER ADD - megmat -- did you read the entire question.? You are totally off base, here. Her watching him swim is totally allowed, she doesn't interfere. & as for the insulin -- why allow someone who may or may not (I'd say she is NOT) qualified to administer a needle to a boy who refuses to let her.? This is their decision. Would you let someone stab your 8 year old grandchild without their permission.? Knowing how upset they would be.? Doubtful .. he's only 8 .. he doesn't need to "feel his feet" right now .. he's not moving out anytime soon!Health Question & Answer

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