Just found out im terminal...?!

Question: Just found out im terminal....?
I went to the doctor today, and he told me im terminal- and gave me about 4 months.
he said if theres anything i should do i should do it now... ive been thinking, and, i cant think of one thng that would really make me feel fulfilled...is there anything, and this may sound desperate, you would do if you had four months.?
im 15, and all i have in my life is my mom...

please.Health Question & Answer

I work in adult oncology at my local hospital. I speak to hundreds or cancer patients a month, some terminal. And I've spent a lot of time talking to these wonderful people about the things they wish they would have done. As far as I can tell, the one thing that most terminal patients want is a oneness with themselves. By this I mean they have a desire to accept themselves (cancer included) for what they are. Don't die with any regrets.

As for what I would do if I were terminal:

really learn to love somebody with all of my heart. We won't last forever, but the impact we have on others can outlast us.

Hope this helps some.

I'm sorry that you have been diagnosed with cancer at such a young age. Nobody deserves to go through that.
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I feel like this would be very difficult to answer unless you've already gone through this tragedy. I couldn't answer for what I would do. However, I would suggest you take time to do some soul searching and talk with your mom about how you feel. I think after just hearing this news you would still be in shock and its difficult to make a rash decision when bad news is knocking pretty steady at your door. Do you have a favorite place you would like to visit.? I am sure your mom would have a lot of input to help you through this time, and your friends too. It's a whole lot for a person of your age to swallow so soon in your life. One thing I can suggest is to let those people in your life know how you feel about them

I've lost a son, my brother, friend and parents and it is painful but spending loving time with them meant more than anything.

JeanHealth Question & Answer


In all the questions that you've asked about your various health worries over the last month, you never mentioned you had cancer - which is presumably what you have as you're posting in this section.

It's very unusual for a doctor to be so precise about a cancer patient's life expectancy - they know how unpredictable cancer is. What type of cancer do you have.? What is your current staging.? What treatments have already been tried.?
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Ok first of all Let me start my saying. Doctor doesn't have the last word God does. Get a 2nd opinion dont loose hope. I just finished Chemo six months ago and they told me tons of wrong info. Im alive and im fine. You are only 15 does not seem right to me. TMaybe look into alternative treatments fight this! As your doing all this Cherish your Mom family and friends. Have fun take a trip do things you always wanted to do. Do not sit in a dark whole and isolate yourself. Not sure what your faith is but Pray pray pray in whatever you believe in. Health Question & Answer

Do anything you've always wanted to do! Think of anything that would make you happy even if it's just sitting on the beach or reading.
Hmm personally if I had 4 months I would:
Reconcile with people
make sure everyone knows I love them
I'd probably just sit around and chill like I usually do
I would keep a journal
Find peace and accept my condition fully so I will go peacefully

I hope you find peace and satisfactionHealth Question & Answer

WOW...thats some deep stuff man...anyways i'm 17 and if i was in your shoes...i would just try and make the best of it, don't worry about school, don't worry about anything, because tomorrow isn't a gurantee to anybody. You and your mom should just enjoy the most of life while you still have time and not have a worry in the world... do whatever it is that you'd want to do or go.... Health Question & Answer

Get a second opinion as most pediatric oncologists would not be so willing to give up on a 15 year old patient.Health Question & Answer

Imagine you only have one week. And that you have to cram it all in that one week. That should get you thinking :) im so sorry to hear, but try and make the best of itHealth Question & Answer

I would make sure I was ready and knew where I was going to spend eternity. Then enjoy my family, and cherish every day left.Health Question & Answer

I'd quit working and take a fun trip with my husband.Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry to hear that you have this... it really sucks that you have to go through this, but to make you feel maybe an ounce better, think that at least you don't have to go through life with never ending pain (like I do); you don't have to live with chronic depression and suicidal thoughts (like I do)... I know it's hard to see any positives in having a terminal illness, but think of those of us whose suffering is not going to be ended anytime soon. There's been times I've prayed for death because of the pain I've been in. So although I know you're probably very upset and have a difficult time coming to grips with what you're going through; nevertheless things could be worse...

For the record, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have brain cancer, for two reasons: 1)Young males seem to have a disproportionally high rate of getting this, and 2) you mentioned (if I remember correctly) head/neck problems as well as dizziness (.?) in another post/question earlier.

As for what I would do. This is really tough. I've honestly not really found much in life that I'm interested in except philosophy, so if I were in your situation I would probably try to understand as much about the process of death/dying as I could, from various philosophical perspectives. I'd really want to understand what it is I'm going to go through. I'd also try to understand what options were available to me for end of life care - for example, if I was planning to go to hospice or not, etc.

But for being fulfilled before the eventual happens ... that's a very difficult thing to answer, because it's so unique to each individual that no one answer could possibly give you the information you need to feel that way. So, in very general terms then, I would tell you to go as many places, and do as many different things, as you can. I know if your family does not have the financial resources this could be very difficult. If you do, however, then I think travel would be very beneficial to you. Look at the past (museums) - if that interests you. I don't know your particular interests but I never thought I'd really interested in museums or the past either. But just looking at life - as a whole - really gives me a good feeling. Maybe if that doesn't interest you you could take up astronomy. I know even with a rather cheap telescope I was able to look very closely at the Moon - which is a rather neat experience if you've never done it before. Or if not then even just getting a book about the stars, galaxies, and so on ~ can really just fill you with awe, to just think about the universe as a whole is just amazing...

So, since you're only 15, I would say to you that the best thing to do would be to just explore as much of the world as you can in the time you have left. Learn about as much as you can, if that interests you. Experience as much as you can, of whatever it is that interests you. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but only you know what's in your heart. Only you know what you really love in life. Find that out and experience it is the best answer that I can give...Health Question & Answer

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