Has anyone heard of an 11 or 12 year old child hallucinate, saying they are seeing people?!

Question: Has anyone heard of an 11 or 12 year old child hallucinate, saying they are seeing people.?
My daughter would say she would see different people in our house, they didn't bother her, but it scared her of course. One time she said one of them sat on her bed beside her and said, "Don't worry, everything's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." Two and a half years later, she began getting very ill, an autoimmune disease called Sjogren's Syndrome with the central nervous system involved! It lasted mildly from Feb - Oct, then came on fiercely to where the pain in her joints was so bad, she could barely walk, so from October to March, she was in constant fierce pain, then it began to subside until it went away in May. It's been almost 2 and a half years since then, and symptoms are beginning to come back. What do you make of the hallucinations that happened two and a half years before all the physical disease came on. Are they related.? If not, what would have made her hallucinate.? By the way, Sjogren's is an auto-immune disease.Health Question & Answer

For the unlearned....................

Some lupus patients may demonstrate symptoms of psychosis. Psychosis is defined as an inability to judge reality, marked by disordered thinking and bizarre ideas, often including delusions and hallucinations. It usually results in an inability to carry out the ordinary demands of living.

About 10 to 15% of lupus patients will display acute psychosis during the course of their disease. Most psychotic episodes occur with CNS vasculitis, but others occur as a result of steroid therapy, water intoxication with low blood levels of sodium, seizures, central hyperventilation, or antimalarial therapy. It is managed with corticosteroids, and antipsychotic

Sjogren's Syndrome, named after the man who discovered it, Henrik Sjogren, (pronounced show-gren) is usually thought of as the "dry-eye" syndrome. Those individuals, whose mouth and eyes are exclusively affected, are said to have "Sicca Syndrome," a milder presentation of Sjogren's.

However, Sjogren's can be much more inclusive than this. Mucous membranes throughout the body, such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, salvitory glands, larynx, lungs, stomach, and vagina can all become extremely dry, along with the skin, hair, and nails.
Sjogren's Syndrome can cause blurred vision, ringing in the ears, crops of mouth sores, constant thirst, and bouts of laryngitis. Sjogren's can be a secondary condition to other autoimmune diseases such as SLE, or it can exist by itself.

Possibly as many as one-third of lupus patients have secondary Sjogren's Syndrome. It should be noted that most people do not experience all the above listed symptoms, but any combination of these.

Primary Sjogren's is, in itself, an autoimmune disease that can affect joints and damage organs. In severe cases, loss of vision can occur due to cornea damage, dry lungs can lead to pneumonia and lung disease, severe gastritis can result from dry stomach, pericarditis can result from inflammation in the sac surrounding the heart, and nerves may be damaged, particularly in the face. The liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes may all be affected.

Sjogren's Syndrome is the only autoimmune disease that has a potential for malignant transformation. Up to 5% of Sjogren's patients develop a blood disorder, particularly lymphoma. It is easily confused with SLE, as the signs and symptoms are shared by both conditions. Sjogren's patients often have a positive ANA and rheumatoid factor.

Sjogren's is usually a benign process and is treated symptomatically. The problems associated with Sjogren's are highly responsive to medications and can usually be managed quite successfully.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Sjogren's Syndrome
Raynaud's Phenomenon
C.R.E.S.T. Phenomenon
Systemic Vasculitis
Central Nervous System (CNS) Vasculitis
Menstrual Problems and Menopause
Conditions of the Eye
Cognitive Dysfunction (Brain Fog)
Lupus Headache
Lupus Myositis

Good Luck, you are going through heaps, try and get online with a support group of parents that are going through the same thing.

www.mdjunction.comHealth Question & Answer

You frighten me lady.Health Question & Answer

First of all, dont listen to the morons that come on this site just to be jerks.

Secondly, two and a half years is a long time in between a hallucination and the onset of this disease (im very sorry to hear about that). Of course, anything is possible but I've learned to try and not make assumptions about what I think/know until I have solid proof.

Third, Children's minds are very easily persuaded by the things they see and hear in real life. Now i'm not saying that your daughter is a liar by any means. I'm an ametuer ghosthunter and totally believe that a ghost could have easily said those things to your daughter. Of course, we have to be objective in our thoughts and realize that your daughter may have thought she was seeing something that wasnt really there. In anycase, Children and adults can hallucinate for many many reasons. I wouldnt be worried about it too much since it is so far in the past now. Best of luck to you and your daughterHealth Question & Answer

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