Why weren't there more Black Deaths?!

Question: Why weren't there more Black Deaths.?
Why don't things like the Black Death and the AIDS epidemic happen all the time, and how come they're not even more virulent.? There must be billions upon billions of microbes mutating every second. I'm amazed, if these things happen at all, we haven't been wiped out by them long ago.Health Question & Answer

Are there billions of microbes mutating every second though.? Obviously they replicate to that extent and beyond, but is their genetic make up altered as frequently.? No - most of the time replication results in duplication.

I'm sure if it weren't for the wonders of the human immune system, working in concert with vastly improved living standards since the time of the black death (in terms of sanitation, eating habits e.t.c), then it would be a very different situation indeed...Health Question & Answer

The Black Death or 'the Plague' is still about, we are however much fitter than we were in 1666 and better standards of hygiene reduce the risk of spread.

Yersinia pestis, the cause of plage is still about outbreaks of pneumonic plague were seen in Manchuria in 1910-11 and 1920-1921 with the two outbreaks claiming over 100,000 lives.The Japanese used the plague during their invasion of China before the outbreak of World War II. Plague no longer occurs naturally in the UK (the last cases were in 1918), however, it is still found in many countries around the world, particularly in Africa and Asia, but also the USA.Health Question & Answer

We are much more health conscious today. During the times of the Black Death, the Plague etc, people considered having a bath once a year was quite sufficient.

Even Royalty had some disgusting habits. Historians tell us Queen Elizabeth was considered extraordinary because "Her Majesty doth bath once a month, whether she need it or no". But even the Court thought King James I went too far. He loved hunting, and at the kill apparently would plunge his hands into the innards to cut out the heart etc. then go straight into a banquet without washing his hands.

It wasn't until Victoria times that Dr. John Snow discovered that cholera was water-borne, and we started to insist on clean water - that did a lot to contain disease.

So when you next to into a hospital - wash your hands!

Verite RHealth Question & Answer

after the first world war millions were killed by a strain of the flu

we were warned about bird flu and SARS

who knows when the next epidemic will come along

luckily we are a bit wiser than in medieval times and can do somethings to help ourselves (such as culls of infected birds etc and use of anti biotics)Health Question & Answer

We have an amazing immune system that prevents most pathogenic organisms from establishing a hold in us.

By the way, the Black Death was caused by an infection transmitted by fleas. The fleas lived on rats. When the Great Fire of London came along it killed off the rats and the plague stopped.
Health Question & Answer

cause there are cures out there that only the mega rich can afford and that only the government knows about. i am surprised too, with all these diesases that we all haven't been wiped out or a huge population of people dying at once (talking like 75%). but it so much out here that prevents it or they found the bases of it and it can be stop with a simple medicine. idk, i wonder too.Health Question & Answer

Hold your breath mother nature is ready to evict a few of us yet.
Bad debts, not good tenants and as for the overcrowding...Health Question & Answer

Just wait a while, something is sure to pop up and baffle the experts...Health Question & Answer

you just wait, the film "Doomsday" will happen for real, me thinks!

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