My Friend is Morbid Obese....?!

Question: My Friend is Morbid Obese.....?
She has not seen a doctor for over 4 years or more. I have told her what I feel and she just doesn't get it, is there something I can do or say to her that won't make her mad at me. I'm afraid that she's not going to around long if she doesn't get help now... She bought I bike this summer, but it's been sitting in the garage the whole time. She lives with another Friend of yours and she will ask her to go for a walk, bike ride, or even go to the gym, and every time she says no thanks, I'm good... I just don't know what to do to help.
Health Question & Answer

Your friend seemed that she already gave up on herself, try to insist and tell her it's not late no matter how "im good" she tell all know that she's not good, try not to take "NO" as an answer from firm or call professional help, if you give up on her she might have a heart attack god forbid.Health Question & Answer

You can not change another person's actions or thoughts. The best you can do is to be there for your friend, and continue to ask her to join you in activities. Health Question & Answer

You can't force her to do anything that she doesn't want to do and if you push too hard, you'll alienate her.

It sounds like she be a bit depressed. Have you suggested that she see a therapist.? It's hard to mention without sounding like you're telling someone that they are crazy but you could start the conversation like this...

"Hey, someone I work with started therapy a few months ago - I didn't know she was depressed but she said that she had trouble taking part in social situations (or just "hanging out" with friends) but she's started going to lunch with us more lately and she's really starting to open up. I never would have guessed that a therapist could help with stuff like that... what do you think.?"

That way you're not telling her that you think she's crazy, you're talking about someone who's demonstrating similar "symptoms" that your friend is demonstrating without pointing it out and making her feel (EVEN MORE) uncomfortable about the fact that she's not getting out, etc...

Please be kind when you talk to her - she's not going to feel comfortable exercising with other people who aren't big so you need to coax her out into the real world and let her build up the confidence to start making changes in her life. Let her have little "victorys" along the way and be respectful. If she's really that big, she's probably tried diets, etc... time and time again but didn't succeed. She's probably afraid that it won't work again and doesn't want her friends to be monitoring her potential failure.

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