Is my life over now that I tested positive for herpes?!

Question: Is my life over now that I tested positive for herpes.?
I'm soooo sick to my stomach over this. I can't stop thinking about it! I feel gross, sad, angry and above all confused. I had something like a "breakout" last year but I tested negative for herpes. I got tested again for herpes and now it's positive. Someone please help me feel better about this situation. I don't have a boyfriend and I haven't had sex since April. What do I do if I ever get a boyfriend.? How do I tell him.? What do I say.? I'm lost right now :-(Health Question & Answer

No your life isn't over. If your in doubt over the test get another test performed. I swear you will be ok regardless of what your test says. When you get into a serious relationship, wait awhile before you do anything sexual and tell your partner you have herpes and you would like to protect them from catching it. Always practice safe sex and always remember it could be worse!Health Question & Answer

Herpes is a disease which causes painful open sores all over your genitals. The disease cannot be cured and you will live with it for the rest of your life.

Your life isn't over, it's just going to be terrible from here on out. If you are selfish enough to get into a relationship with someone, you can pass genital herpes on even if you practice safe sex. Condoms do not completely protect skin to skin contact. Do you really want to pass this misery on to someone else.?

And if you think I'm just being mean read up about the disease. Health Question & Answer

First thing is first, don't panic. Treatment exists and your life literally isn't dead and over, be thankful for that. Just go and seek treatment for your doctor and any other help you can get. When it comes to the whole boyfriend deal, well...all you can do is just be careful with how easily you tell and who to trust. People can be understanding but all the while others can be very cold. Don't be so down with yourself. You can rise above this. Its all a matter of helping yourself to move beyond it. Get beyond the fact that it happened, accept it, and just go and deal with it to in the best way possible. Health Question & Answer

Life isn't over for you. The next time you date I would not tell them unless you plan to become intimate because as I can recall on the commercials, you can still give it to someone if you don't have any outbreaks. If I were you, it would take a very long time to get to know someone before I ever go there (sexually). Just have to be extra careful and focus on yourself. Staying healthy, finish school (if you already started), etc. It's not the end of the world. Hang in thereHealth Question & Answer

A lot of the information people have been giving you is totally wrong. Herpes viruses run the risk of developing into uterii, cervical, anal, or colo-rectal cancer later in life. It doesn't mean it WILL, it means it CAN. Don't smoke cigarettes in order to give your immune system a fighting chance.

Go to your doctor. Get on medication. Use condoms and screw people's brains out all you want.

Health Question & Answer

If you make it your life story you'll never get anywhere. I have an old friend who went thru the same thing but he's married now and even having a baby. Life moves on if you let it- but DO use protection- they can sue you for giving it to others if you don't take precautions. Support groups would be a good place to meet others.Health Question & Answer

don't listen to that a*hole, it's illegal not to tell the person if you knmowingly are going to infect them!..
find some one who truly loves you, and tell them when you think the time is right..
if they don't accept it then they don't truly love you..
also there's meds that your partner could take to prevent them from getting it..
good luckHealth Question & Answer

ive been conducting experiments in my lab on rats with herpes. i think i may have found the cure. its really quite simple. cover the infected area with a thick coat of cooking oil then lay outside where it can be exposed to sunlight for a long time. id say a good 3 - 4 hours a day for a week depending on the severity of the case.Health Question & Answer

Relax! First of all, let's face the fact... Sh*t happens and to the best and worst of us. Ensure that you are getting the right treatment and more importantly, don't go spreading that around. Everyone at risk from you should know about your condition and should have the right to choose to be with you because of it, or not. Health Question & Answer

there is nothing that you can do to go back and change need to learn to accept it. Read about your disease and learn how you can prevent outbreaks and how you can be safe. Life is not over it is just a little bump in the road. Be careful, be safe, educate yourself.Health Question & Answer

from what ive heard valtrex works so if i were you id see a dr because your break outs can be controlled. If you get a boyfreind youve gotta tell him otherwise its a crime you can find other people with herpes and have sex with themHealth Question & Answer

no, your life certainly isn't over. you just need to to be honest with your future partners and get some medication and use protection. plenty of people live normal lives with herpes. Health Question & Answer

dude, haven't you ever seen those commercials on tv.? now you can go waterskiing and horseback riding!Health Question & Answer

No its now up to like 1 out of every 5 people in the US has herpes, so at this rate we will all be joining you soon enough. Health Question & Answer

Im sure you are feeling miserable and im sorry but look at these maybe it can help u to understand it ,
.?p=herpes&ei=UTF-8&fr=hp-pvdt"> Question & Answer

You need to go out and uhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't know what to sayHealth Question & Answer

Have you thought about switching to anal.?Health Question & Answer

sorry, I just threw up in my mouth and swallowed it back down. Now we're both sick to our stomach over this though.?! LoL
Health Question & Answer

say hey, sometimes i get blistersHealth Question & Answer

tell him and always safe sexHealth Question & Answer

Herpes isn't a death sentence. STD's happen to everybody. It happens to the sluts who sleep with ever guy they see, and it happens to a woman who waits until marriage to have sex. I got an STD the first time I had sex (and I waited until I was 22 and I am getting married to him next year). It was curable, but still got me thinking that no matter what you do, you either get it or you don't. It's the luck of the draw.

Honestly, all herpes causes are painful sores that won't kill you, hurt you, or hurt your future children. They are pretty much an annoyance when you least expect it. Think of it like acne. Acne won't kill you, give you other diseases because of it, etc. Although the "acne" that you have is contagious and you can give it to one of your partners at any time, even if you don't have an outbreak. I recommend Valtrex. It has been known, if you take it everyday instead of when you are getting an outbreak, that it can prevent them from happening over 90% of the time. So I recommend that first. Since Valtrex stop shedding, you can have unprotected sex. However, make sure to tell your partner about the disease before you start getting intimate.

As for telling your future partners...
I would just tell them. Not like right when you first meet them, but when you think that something can really come out of the relationship (once you've been dating for awhile). When you find that special someone, they won't care if you have herpes, 5 heads, a vagina and a penis, NOTHING! They don't care because all they will care about is you on the inside and your personality. I would sit down your future partner and just tell them that in the past you slept with someone who had a virus and gave it to you. Tell them that you are taking supplements (Valtrex) to help control and alleviate the outbreaks, and it is unlikely that it'll be passed unless you have an outbreak or are in the "prodome" stage (the tingly feeling).

As for what you are feeling... Get out of bed, stop crying, and eat something! People think that herpes is the worst STD in the world, when in reality, it is the best one to catch. It won't cause infertility, PID, or anything that will kill you. It is just a skin disorder and blisters. You can still have children naturally (as long as you don't have an outbreak), you can still have unprotected sex (when you are taking Valtrex), and who knows, your special someone might have the same virus themselves because 1 in 5 people have it! Herpes causes more psychological harm than physical.So, stop thinking that herpes controls your life. Don't let it! Try to stay stress-free, don't go in the sun for long, and take baths! Maybe even go to the spa or something so help relieve more stress. You control herpes, herpes doesn't control you. And who knows, if your "breakout" last year was so mild that you wasn't even sure that it was herpes, your future breakouts will be WAYY less severe than that (if they come at all).

Please try not to feel gross, sad, angry, or confused. It's a virus that won't kill you! Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, HIV, Syphilis, pretty much every STD can kill you if left untreated. Herpes won't ever! It won't even cause an infection of any sort! If you are still feeling depressed about it, it may help to talk to a professional (a pyschologist or psychiatrist). But please don't be depressed. You can still love and live your life as if you never had this virus.

I hope I helped and good luck! Keep me posted!

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you can still have a normal life...but don't expect getting some tongue action anytime soon.Health Question & Answer

just don't tell anyone, and don't use protection. that way, other people can share your miseryHealth Question & Answer

serves you right for sleeping around. it is gonna stay with you forever. Health Question & Answer

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