If someone pricked their finger with needle then injected you with that needle, could you get a disease?!

Question: If someone pricked their finger with needle then injected you with that needle, could you get a disease.?
If someone was about to inject you with a needle and they accidentally pricked their self in the fingertip (then lied and say they didnt but almost did but then you later find out they did), anyways could a disease be spread this way.? And please don't say yes just to freak me out I would appreciate an honest answer. For what is worth, no blood was drawn from the person's finger. And to save the high and mighty, "im better than you" answers i see so much on this site (which is really sad) this was not drug related, it was medical. Thanks!Health Question & Answer

well the answer is YES.
Unfortunately needle stick infections do happen but it depends on the type of infection that person has. AIDS is a very weak virus that is hard to be transferred that way but hepatitis C and B are very active viruses and they can be transferred easily through needles even if u say there was no blood on the scene as the needle holds tint droplets of blood.
I dont want to scare u but i would strongly recommend u to perform lab tests for all the 3 diseases AIDS, Hep B & C just so u can get that experience out of ur mindHealth Question & Answer

Yes, if the needle broke their skin and then broke yours, there is always a chance of cross contamination. Though I will say, the chances of contracting a disease such as HIV this way are very slim. Healthcare workers are capable of human error, when the needle stick happens to them after sticking a patient they are always tested, it is routine. If you are concerned I would have an HIV and Hepatitis screening done at least, just to put my mind at ease.Health Question & Answer

If there was blood on it..you can get hepatitis, aids, etc. If they pricked but it didnt puncture its ok. Mind you, they have to actually have the disease in order for you to get it. I dont know what another person was doing with a needle before you etc but they should have been wearing gloves in any case.Health Question & Answer

yes it can spread disease, thats why doctors are supposed to use clean needles every single time the poke you. (if you think someone is using a dirty needle then ask them to change it) did he even wipe the needle off.? there is a good chance you have nothing to worry about but there is a possibility.Health Question & Answer

I know for a fact The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is transmitted by blood to blood contact.

so by the looks of it; if no blood was transmitted, you're in the clear. But in my opinion, you should still get it checked out.Health Question & Answer

If the needle drew blood, and he carried a blood born disease then you could but if as you say the first prick did not draw blook, then you are good -- but hey, watch who you let poke you.Health Question & Answer

Technically yes, but the odds are rather lower than the chance of a lottery win as long as it was genuinely just a little skin level prick.Health Question & Answer

YES! not trying to freak you out, but merely being honest.Health Question & Answer

Yeah its possible, (no im not just trying to scare you). Its sad to say but all the diseases that are out there now make this a dangerous world to live in. Even though you think no blood was drawn, how can you be positive (simple, you cant) When I first started my career as an EMT, it was almost a contest to see who could get more blood on their uniform. Sounds gross and it was but it was like seeing who was working harder. Those days are long gone now every single precaution possible is taken because you just never know what someone has. My advice to you is to definatly go and get tested for any serious diseases that you think/know this person may have hadHealth Question & Answer

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