Why did I have a seizure after not having one for 17 years?!

Question: Why did I have a seizure after not having one for 17 years.?
When I was 6 months old I started having seizures. I was transported to the Chicago Children's Hospital. I was just having the seizures, but not any other symptoms. They gave me medication, and diagnosed me with herpes encephalitis. I stayed in the hospital for 2 months and then was released. After that time, I did not have any seizures anymore. Then when I was 17 years old, one night my mouth had many canker sores and my cheek swelled up. I went to an urgent care place, and they said it was stress-related and it was also related to the herpes encephalitis. So they gave me a prescription gel called Lidocaine Hydrochloride oral topical solution(viscous) to put on the canker sores. My mouth got better and I still use it when canker sores appear during stressful times. Then at age 18 years old, in the middle of the night, I had a seizure. I fell off my bed and that is when my parents heard me. i was taken to the hospital. They ran CAT scans and EEG's, and found some seizure activity in the EEG, temporary lobe. I was in the hospital for a few days. The neurologist put me on 500mg of Keppra 2 times a day. Now a year later, I am visiting the neurologist every 3 months and still on the Keppra doing fine. No more seizures. Why did I have seizures as a baby, was taken off of the medicine and then 17 years later had a seizure. How long will I have to take the medicine.? Health Question & Answer

I don't know exactly why they came back. Because it's a herpes virus, it may be similar to the virus that causes Chicken Pox. Some viruses can lie dormant in your system for your entire life. Something (in my non-medical opinion, STRESS) may or may not trigger it again. It's possible that it will go away again. Be glad there is medication available for you. My daughter is a Type 1 Diabetic, I've witnessed the hassles of a lifelong disease ... I hope you don't let it interfere with you having a wonderful, fulfilling life. I wish you all the best. <3 Health Question & Answer

Wow i just had a seizure for the first time like 3 weeks ago. It was probably just a fluke thing. They said a seizure can be caused by lack of sleep or being on the computer too long(thats what happened to me)Health Question & Answer

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