How do you get a cold?!

Question: How do you get a cold.?
how does it happen how do you make it worse.
are all the wives tales about going out with wet hair true.?
thanks alot!Health Question & Answer

No the wives tales aren't true.
You can't get them by being cold, you can't get them from wet hair, cold water or anything like that.
You get a cold by a virus or bacteria, usually passed on by other people!
I assume you have a cold, so get well soon love!
xHealth Question & Answer

The cold is a virus which infects the mucous membrane of the nose.
The infection is spread by airborne droplets when the sufferer coughs or sneezes. It can also be spread by hand if someone has the virus on their hands and then puts them close to their eyes or nose. This is possibly the most common way of catching a cold.

Health Question & Answer

Why on earth would you want a cold.?
And why exactly would you want it to get worse.?
I am getting over the flu and I cant wait to get better.
The old wives tales arent true.
A cold is caught by getting the virus.


Oh, ok. You get a cold from airborne droplets (either from coughing, sneezing etc.) and its a virus so you cannot treat it with medication.
Get well soon !Health Question & Answer

Oh we just watched a movie in Bio today that explained that.
From what i remember...
The virus enters your body, attaches itself to a cell, divides, and repeats that over and over. Thats how it gets worse.

Yes, that is trueHealth Question & Answer

In 1864 Louis Pasteur finally dispelled the myth of spontaneous generation which really covers your old wives tale. It seems to have taken 144 years to NOT reach you.Health Question & Answer

breathed out airborne water droplets from your breath or nostril discharge , the old wives tale that rings true is 'coughs and sneezes spread diseases'

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