Can a child get herpes from his own mother?!

Question: Can a child get herpes from his own mother.?
This may sound very naive (and probably is), but can a child get herpes from his mother.? I just found out that my stepson's mother has herpes and was worried about whether or not he could get it from her. I'm not suggesting any type of sexual abuse at all, but worry if there are other ways to spread it to my poor little guy (kissing, toilet seat, etc.). I'm not trying to bash the mother in any way, but I am trying to get the information I need to protect the little guy. Thanks for your help.Health Question & Answer

Let's separate oral herpes from genital herpes here.

Most adult (50% to 80%) have oral herpes. It is most often caught in childhood from kissing relatives. It's not an STD. It's not fatal. It doesn't leadto other diseases. It's just not that big a deal. She should avoid kissing her son when she has a cold sore, but that's about it.

Genital herpes is an STD. Like oral herpes, it is not fatal, doesn't cause other diseases, etc.

Both types of herpes are spread through skin-to-skin contact with the infected area. So as long as this woman's genitals do not come in contact with her son's mouth or genitals, he is fine. The virus dies quite quickly away from the human body, and is almost never spread through inanimate objects or casual contact. She should wash her hands after she masturabates and/or before she changes his diapers. But she should be doing that anyway, to protect against other less benign diseases.

If he gets genital herpes from her, then almost certainly there has been sexual abuse involved. If he gets oral herpes from her, then she has been kissing and loving and hugging him - just like a mother should.

For lots more RELIABLE and easy-to-read info on herpes, I recommend the website below.

And good for you for wanting to know all the details.Health Question & Answer

Well you can always get herpes from someone, no matter the relationship. If she has HSV-1 (fever blisters), then she can give them to anyone just by kissing them during an outbreak. If she has HSV-2 (genital herpes), she can pass it by not washing her hands after touching herself (using the bathroom or something). I don't think you have much to worry about, I'm sure the kid is going to be fine around his mother.Health Question & Answer

Yea a child or any other human being no matter what the age can get the disease. If she has any open soars on his mouth and kisses him ( just like a peck) he can get it. Herpes is very dangerous in pregnant women because when th baby passes through the vaginal canal they can get it then too. The kid cant get it from toliet seats or anything like that but just skin on skin contactHealth Question & Answer

yes, you can only spread it through skin to skin contact or through spit (on a cup or toothbruth), not a toilet or anything.
You can also spead it whie givng birth.Health Question & Answer

It sure can but the only way he can get it is if the mother shares the soap,sponge, or towel and any other thing that the mother had has contact with.Health Question & Answer

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