Dizzy and lightheaded?!

Question: Dizzy and lightheaded.?
I haven't been feeling very good lately. I've been really dizzy and tired, but at the same time kind of hyper (more like physically hyper but mentally exhausted). And then sometimes just tired all together. And I've been feeling really dizzy and kind of shaky and I've been having some trouble concentrating on school work. I've also had some pressure in my head, like a sinus headache almost, and then like some sharp pains on the top and sides of my head and I think also some migraine headaches. And I've also had some stomach aches they travel upwards sometimes, and I've also had some sharp chest pains and I've just been feeling pretty much awful. I've also had almost no appetite and some white spots in my fingernails, making me think that I may have a vitamin deficiency, but I'm not so sure. The major dizziness and tiredness I've had for a little more than a week, but the other symptoms I've had for a pretty long time. What should I do.? Oh and I'm 15, if that matters. (I've also been under some stress - could the symptoms be just from that.?)Health Question & Answer

hyper-ventilation, flu, low blood sugar.? try sleepin in for 2-3 days drink water and have some cookies and try some breathing excersises, if it continues, see ur doctorHealth Question & Answer

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