Why do cancer patients act strangely a few hours before their death?!

Question: Why do cancer patients act strangely a few hours before their death.?
My aunt just passed away last week due to ovarian cancer. A few days before her death, she was so sad and quiet. But a few hours before her death, she was smiling and laughing away, and she even told everyone who visited her to have a safe journey back home. Then, she called her younger sister to the hospital and said that she wanted to spend some time with her. She apologized to her sister for all the mistakes she had made and then she collapsed on her bed, dead.
Why did she act so strangely a few hours before her death.? Did she know that she was going to die then.?Health Question & Answer

Sis, I wouldn't say that was strange then again it all depends on how everyone sees things after all we are all different. maybe she just knew she was going to die some time or another & she wanted to make things right with everyone this way she could have a clear conscience and that eased her as well as others minds. my wife's uncle died this Wednesday morning from cancer but they said it wasn't the cancer that killed him it was an overdose of Morphine, the Dr's and nurses wasn't paying attention to when they each gave him the Morphine shots and wasn't looking at his chart and they accidentally overdosed him. they are doing an autopsy on him soon.
My condolences and heartfelt prayers goes out to you and your family. May Jehovah the God of comfort and the hearer of prayers give you all comfort and a peace of mind. Agape. your Brother in Christ;
Johnny DelmHealth Question & Answer

A friend of mine who died recently of cervical cancer described the feeling of being at peace, knowing her time had come. She also suffered that sad period beforehand - she told me she used that time for reflection and contemplation. She said goodbye to the world... she forgave all those who did her wrong, and she wished everyone long lives and to make the most of that which we have left... her eyes were full of wisdom in those remaining hours...Health Question & Answer

She might have known she was about to die. But cancer patients, or anyone so sick that they will die very, very soon, will lose the ability to think clearly. Due to a severe illness & medicines a person will have diminished oxygen to the brain & most likely have a lot of fear to face the unknown.
Sorry about your Aunt. I wish you well.Health Question & Answer

Hope your Aunt rest in peace.

Well, i think they get that feeling. I read, that in one case, a lady was bitten by a snake, and she was admitted. During one day she was very ill. Later she recovered, and told she was feeling that someone is calling her out, and some lady waiting outside to take her for a long trip etc.

I think it is a 6th sense work.Health Question & Answer

Cancer patients, or anyone so sick that they will die very, very soon, will lose the ability to think clearly. Due to a severe illness & medicines a person will have diminished oxygen to the brain & most likely have a lot of fear to face the unknown.Health Question & Answer

Well people often say that someone knows when they are going to die, it happened to my mates mum. she called him in and told him that she loved him very much when she was depressed earlier. 2 hours after he left she died from terminal cancer

its strange but you know when its time i guessHealth Question & Answer

"Did she know that she was going to die then.?"
Short answer.? Yes.
Death is NOT a scary thing.
Long story short ... the palliative care nurse who was with my mother for three weeks before she died said that mum was quite relaxed about the process.
Death is NOT a scary thing, no matter what 'they' have told you.

Health Question & Answer

When their body getting ready to died and they won't be able to feel all that; then sudden good mood.
When your body become too cold and doesn't feel anything it will make you different.
I hope I am right.
I do believe she knew.
I am sorry about your Aunt.Health Question & Answer

Why would you say "strangley.?" to be able to pass over without screaming and crying is wonderful. To accept their demise and be comfortable with it is great.Health Question & Answer

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