What steps to doctors take when antibiotics dont work?!

Question: What steps to doctors take when antibiotics dont work.?
i had a chest infection last month, bad cough, alot of green phlegm... i also then had an ear infection then bladder infection... so i went to doctor who gave me a whole load of medication, including antibiotics, vitamin c, and something to dry up the congestion...

now i have the chest infection again! starting to cough, wheeze and get green phlegm again! what do i do.? i feel like i have wasted my money going to the doctor and wasted my money on the medicine - what next step do doctors take if antibiotics dont work.?Health Question & Answer

Hmm. Generally, if they didn't do so the first time, they will draw a culture (using a swab, or your mucus or similar) and culture it in a lab to get a positive ID on exactly what bacteria is causing the infection, then they'll go in with some antibiotic specifically targetted to that bacteria. General infections are usually hit with broad spectrum antibiotics, whih aren't always effective against some obscure bugs out there.

If you're having chronic, recurrent infections, it could be a sign of another problem, and it should be looked into. There's a bunch of things that it could be allowing you to get sick so easily.

That's of course assuming it's the same infection, and assuming it's not a virus. Antibiotics really do nothing for viral infections, you've just got to get through them.Health Question & Answer

There can be several reasons why an antibiotic doesn't work. If it is overused, it becomes ineffective as the cells that attack a virus do not recognize it as a virus or infection anymore. Many also start feeling better and don't take the whole prescription and they need to. Some infections reoccur if the immune system cannot fight it off. Your general health does play a part in getting well. A good blood workup is in order to see what is going on. You may need something like B12 shots to boost your immune system. Many doctors don't take the proper blood tests or even swab the throat and hand out an antibiotic that doesn't work. An anti-infective might be in order. Green is definitely infection and can spread to other parts of the body if not controlled. Go back to your doctor, write down all the questions you have and see what happens. If you are a smoker or have allergies, this will also affect you too. Get a second opinion if you get no help. Bladder infections are usually prevented by drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice. You need much more testing to see what is really going on with your macrophages, T-cells and helper cells that are meant to attack viruses or infections. Good luck and hope you feel better soon with help.Health Question & Answer

There are more than one antibiotic out there
so he would start with a different spectrum of them.
Green phlegm means bronchitis, I used to take mycin. My daughters would get ear infections and they would always try the sulfa drugs first they never worked only the amoxicillian worked well.
Drink cranberry juice everyday to prevent bladder infections, just an 8 oz glass is very beneficial for your health.Health Question & Answer

Probably the next step will be a synthetic antibiotic, some infections don't respond the first time, make sure you see the doctor not the nurse.Health Question & Answer

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