I have a virus. But which one?!

Question: I have a virus. But which one.?
A couple of weeks ago I had a gum infection. While taken anti-biotics for that I got a virus and a fungal infection (I don't feel well!). The virus has now stayed with me for two weeks. I took three days of work last week because I felt so exhausted. I've been in work this week but my boss sent me home today because I looked really pale.
I'm very weak and find it hard to walk to the end of the street. I have stomach pains (centred on the stomach, not the whole abdomen), a sore throat, sneezing, cough, swollen glands and I feel very cold. Most of the time I just feel mildly unwell. But then now and again I suddenly feel really bad again. For instance I've just felt like I had a mild cold this week then today I suddenly felt really bad again. I don't feel like I have flu. It's not bad enough for that. And I'm not mucusy enough for a cold. The problems are mostly my throat and stomach. I haven't been sick and don't have diarrhoea. Which virus is it then.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds like me when I had Glandular fever (mono). I'm actually going through my second bout. It could be post-viral, or a nasty bug your body's having trouble shaking off. Either way, you should see a doctor, at least for a definite diagnosis, and to make sure it's nothing more serious...Health Question & Answer

Really does sound like Glandular fever, blood test at docs will confirm or deny this, but I do recommend that you have plenty of fluids and if you can take regular paracetamol which will help with the aches and pains and any Temperature you might have.Health Question & Answer

Get a blood test done pronto and ask your doctor to check your thymus and your tonsils.
Take a good two weeks annual leave and adopt a nourishing diet devoid of junk foods and with minimal dairy products.
Lambs liver is particularly nutritious but avoid heavy meat meal eating of other kinds to give your innards a break!
No smoking and No alcohol and no physical activity except walking.
The walking should start with a gentle stroll for the first 2 days then gradually increasing the pace as you feel able to cope comfortably,
Ensure you get at least eight hours of good sleep nightly ....if you need more,,,,,,,,indulge yourself,,,,thats when the body heals.
Get plenty of fresh air.........a seaside stay would be best.
You seem to be very run down and getting away from lifes stresses will see you half way there to full recovery.
Get well soon!Health Question & Answer

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