What are some symptoms of autism?!

Question: What are some symptoms of autism.?
I've noticed that my friend's 2 1/2 yr. old son doesn't seem the same as other kids his age. His vocabulary is very limited & he doesn't communicate his needs very well. When speaking to him, I've noticed that he doesn't respond much & doesn't make a lot of eye contact. Another thing, a few months ago when I was at their house I noticed that he kept hugging my son over & over again, maybe 10 times in a row. But it seemed odd, & he was totally emotionless. I just have this gut feeling that something might be wrong. Could he possibly have some form of autism.? Health Question & Answer

While it's hard to say for sure, it does sound like your friends son is showing a lot of the signs of having autism. I would highly urge your friend to get her son evaluated for autism. The earlier she starts to have it treated, the better chances he has at recovery.

Here is what the website www.autismspeaks.com says about the early signs of autism:

Research now suggests that children as young as 1 year old can show signs of autism. The most important thing you can do as a parent or caregiver is to learn the early signs of autism and understand the typical developmental milestones your child should be reaching at different ages. Please look over the following list. If you have any concerns about your child's development, don't wait. Speak to your doctor about screening your child for autism. While validated screening for autism starts only as young as 16 months, the best bet for younger children is to have their development screened at every well visit with a highly validated developmental screening tool. If your child does have autism, early intervention may be his or her best hope.

Watch for the Red Flags of Autism

(The following red flags may indicate a child is at risk for atypical development, and is in need of an immediate evaluation.)

In clinical terms, there are a few

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