Bothered by tinitus.?!

Question: Bothered by tinitus..?
I have what i think is considered tinitus, (ringing in the ears).The sounds I constantly hear are just like the ones the the doctor used for a hearing test.This condition has bothered me for well over 20 year, some days are worse than others, causing me to loose many hours of sleep.
Is there any real cure for tinitus, and has this condition ever caused a person to be considered disabled by it.?Health Question & Answer

There are many different causes for tinnitus; a person's diet, hearing damage, stress, high blood pressure, longterm ear wax buildup, sinus problems, and a lot of other things. Whether or not a person's tinnitus can be cured depends on why it's happening. There is no overall cure that restores normal hearing for every case.

Any health issue that keeps you from being able to function normally is considered a disability depending on the severity.

I have constant ringing in my ears, but it isn't bad enough that I can't tune it out. Sometimes it's worse than others. I do have to turn up the volume on the television and the radio higher than I used to. Plus I have to ask people to repeat themselves if they don't talk loud enough to be heard over the ringing.

You should consider seeing an audiologist since it is keeping you from getting a good night's sleep.Health Question & Answer

No cure for it. I have it, so I understand your problem. The computer fan and the ballast in fluorescent bulbs actually make it worse.

What has helped.? Exercise, believe it or not. My doctor suggested that and the problem did diminish (but it will never completely go away). Your exercises should include something that involves moving the head. I tried Tai Chi (video tape) and that seemed to help as well. also, treating allergies and possibly even chiropractor adjustments can sometimes diminish it. Some of the tinnitus is made worse possibly by a build up of the nodes just to the sides of your ears, so any swelling can make it worse. There are internet sites that claim depression can cause it, but while that is likely not true, those who are depressed tend not to exercise. Since my doctor thinks that the buildup of fluid in the nodes next to your ears may have a lot to do with making the condition worse, all these suggestions do sortof fit.

Yes, my tinnitus was so bad at one time that I could have qualified for disability because to all intents and purposes, I was deaf. However, over time and exercises, I can hear most things today. If it is keeping you from sleeping, try running a fan. I discovered that an alternate noise helped a lot (in my case, it was Fall and the birch tree leaves were making quite the racket at night).Health Question & Answer

Having worked in the broadcasting industry for many years, I too have the same tinnitus issues as you.
I sought as much medical information as I could find.

Some things like coffee can make it worse, strangely.

There is no cure. But, I find if I am not aware of it, then the problem is manageable. So at night I put the radio for 1 hour sleep timer and fall asleep very quickly. If I don't use the radio, then The ringing becomes noticeable and starts to bug me badly.
I avoid crowded situations because I can't distinguish separate conversations, and I get tired very quickly.

There is a staggering amount of info about tinnitus on the net.

Yes in can be considered a disability, along the same lines as industrial deafness, but it is very hard to prove or disprove the sufferers claims. It cannot be measured quantitatively.Health Question & Answer


I have it and I used a guide to help me, though everyone is different :)
try it though, it may work. It says it's a cure.

You may want to visit it here:

Dmitri DHealth Question & Answer

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