Epilepsy - sezure? what is it and how could i help?!

Question: Epilepsy - sezure.? what is it and how could i help.?
My teacher had a sezure thurs. day i wasnt there but thats what that class explanied she is my math teacher.(it was in the middle of class when it happened) she said shell have them more in the year. im a bit worried that when falling shell bump her head. is there any way i could tell when she may start to have a sezure.? and is there any way it could be stress related.?Health Question & Answer

It's good that you want to help. Some patients can tell when they are about to have a seizure, but not all. They're usually are any signs you could see. Stress might (or might not) make them worse, but they're not a primary cause.

If you should see her have a seizure:
1) help her to the ground and keep people & furniture clear
2) call for help
3) do NOT try to put anything in her mouth while she's seizingHealth Question & Answer

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