Why do people get cancer?!

Question: Why do people get cancer.?
really why and i want a GOOD ANSWER!!!!! U GOT DAT.?! THANXSSSSSSS Health Question & Answer

Cancer is an ancient disease that can be found in the fossilized remains of early humans. It's always been around. There are over 200 different types of cancer and just as many subtypes. There is no known cause for the overwhelming majority of cancers. A handful of cancers can be linked to smoking, carcinogens, sun exposure, chemicals, pollution, hereditary . . however . . none of the above 'risks' for cancer can explain why one person will get the cancer from that 'risk' while many, many other people do not get that cancer. No one knows why a smoker might not ever get lung cancer . . while a non-smoker does get lung cancer. No one knows why a six week old infant can get cancer, no one knows why in some cancer types there are more males affected than females . . or why melanoma (skin cancer) can start on the bottom of someones foot (an area rarely exposed to direct sunlight), etc.

The truth is . . if we knew what 'caused' cancer . .than we might be able to stop it . . but for every 'cause' mentioned . . there is always an exception . . thus 'cure' remains elusive.Health Question & Answer

All it takes is one cell to become defective and start reproducing uncontrollable. Many different so-called carcinogens can cause this cell damage or it may occur spontaneously - perhaps genetically. Then the immune system misses the opportunity to eradicate the faulty cell line early when it is only hundreds or thousands of cells. When the malignant cell line reaches a billion cells, it is about the size of a marble - and that's when we can start to see it. By then the cancer has been growing for about 70% of it's natural course - undetected because we can rarely find primary tumors less than pea sized unless they are on the surface - the skin. It is very difficult to find small early cancers in deep structures like the pancreas or lungs - two cancers which we cannot treat very effectively because we usually find them at advanced stages.

The reason we see so much cancer now is that we live so much longer. Cancer is a defect that becomes more common with the aging process. There are young people who develop cancers, but far more older people are affected. 100 years ago in the USA, our average survival was 47 years. The vast majority of patients with cancers present after age 50. Some predict that we would all develop cancer if we lived long enough - meaning in excess of 100 years.

People get infections, cancers, and many other groups of diseases. If we can cure more infections, prevent more heart disease, and live longer - we will see more cancers.
Unfortunately, we all get 'something' sometime. There are so many types of cancers and so many environmental factors that may instigate and/or promote cancers, there is no way to avoid all of them. Think about it, sunlight is a carcinogen.
The leaves of tobacco plants are full of different carcinogens. There is radon radiation is some of our houses from the earth. Even a natural environment with just earth, plants, air, water, and sunlight is not completely safe.Health Question & Answer

there is lots of things that contribute to it, like plastics and they way things are manufactured pollutants in the air food germs drugs ETC. to much to list! Cancer is basically a bad cell that is reproducing at a fast rate and consumes good cells. i am no doctor but almost everything contributes to cancer in some form or anotherHealth Question & Answer

We don't "get" cancer, we get a symptom, such as a tumour, which is telling us something is not OK.
Stress and fear play a big part , and having a toxic body, from overeating and living on junk food all contribute.
The trick is to see it as a wake up call and change something. You will know what if you think about it.Health Question & Answer

1st) Carcinogens (sun, foods, pollution, smoking, etc.)

2nd) Family history

3rd) No one actually know...Health Question & Answer

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