Do cancer patient have the OPTION of getting Chemotherapy done or not?!

Question: Do cancer patient have the OPTION of getting Chemotherapy done or not.?
An adult with "decisional capacity" -- that is the ability to understand the risks, benefits, alternatives, and consequences of treatment -- has the right to refuse any form of medical treatment, including chemotherapy, even if the end result is death. The reason is as a society we value a person's autonomy and right to self-determination.

(The only way an adult with decisional capacity could be forced into a medical procedure would be to protect the public health. Vaccinations are a possible example.)

Cases involving minors are much more complicated. A "mature minor" is usually an older teenager that the court deems competent to make medical decisions. As a general rule, they are treated like an adult, although the court may scrutinize their decisions more because the person IS still a minor to make absolutely certain the mature minor understands his/her choice. Cases involving older teenagers can get extremely ugly and drawn out -- Virginia v. Cherrix involving a teenager who refused chemotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma is an example.

For minor children under the care of their parents, the parent makes the decision on medical treatment and the child has no say. Where a parent chooses not to get medical treatment for a child, the state or courts may get involved. Courts will not allow a parent to make a child a martyr to a particular religious belief or teaching when medical care could easily prevent the child's death. However, if the medical treatment is less than 50% likely to work, the courts will usually not order the child be treated. For example in Newmark v. Williams, the Delaware Supreme Court held that the parents of a 3-year old child with Burkitt's lymphoma could refuse chemotherapy because it only had a 40% chance of success. The Court did seem to suggest, however, had the chances of success been say 60%, they would order the child treated.

The law varies state-by-state, and in close cases courts take the position that if they are going to err, they err on the side of ordering treatment.Health Question & Answer

Patient has all the rights to refuse Chemotherapy. Nobody can challenge it. There are instances where the hospitals continue to give Chemotherapy without any results. What will a patient do in such a condition.?

Or if the patient does not have money.?

Let me add here, Chemotherapy is the only effective remedy with western medicine so far. It may have bad side effects but it works so many times and saves life.Health Question & Answer

Yes and No. You can refuse, but if a family member or whomever thinks that is the wrong choice, they can take you to court to have you declared incompetent. So you would have to prove in court that you are of sound mind.

also, minors do not legally have the choice. Most parents would allow their children to make the choice, but the parent can force the child, unless the child or someone else takes the parents to court.Health Question & Answer

Yes, just like any other medical treatment, one has an option to get it or not. Usually insurance for the treatments will run out very quickly. My aunt's insurance only covered for a short period of time, then she used all her retirement money for treatment and when that ran out she quickly deteriorated and died.Health Question & Answer

Nobody can force a person to have chemotherapy.

From watching my husband go through it, I have decided that I will never have chemo.

However, 30 percent of chemo patients have no problems with it.

It's such an individual choice, but you can't be forced to have it.Health Question & Answer

Yes, it is always a patients right to deny treatments. However, that person has to show that they are fully mentally able to make such a decision and fully understand the consequences of refusing the treatment. Health Question & Answer

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