How does scoliosis effect you mentally and physically?!

Question: How does scoliosis effect you mentally and physically.?
currently I am studying the topic of scoliosis and wish to know more.
Health Question & Answer

Most people with scoliosis live full, productive, and normal lives.

Mentally: You have to have a strong sense of self and not let it mess with your idea of body image. Hard to do since scoliosis most commonly affects adolescent girls (as if you don't have enough to think about already).

Physically: Once scoliosis progress beyond 40 degrees you have to start thinking about the heart and lungs being compromised. This is why surgery becomes a possible treatment at this stage.

Pregnancy can also be of issue if you have a very severe curve because you add a baby putting pressure on your diaphragm (and in turn your heart and lungs).

Pregnancy for mild and moderate scoliosis can cause some minor effects. Back pain may occur more frequent in scoliosis moms. Tylenol, warm baths/shower (not hot tubs), and an approved exercise program can help relieve some of the pain.

Depending on how far down your spine is affected you may not be able to have a spinal for labor and delivery (spinal is better for scoliosis than epidural). Anything below T12 is tricky, and you want someone with expertise in OB anesthesia. Health Question & Answer

Ive had scoliosis for the last 8 years. I was diagnosed in 7th grade and was told that i had two curves 50 degrees to thre right in my upper back and 40 degrees to the left in my lower back. Finding that out as a twelve year old girl hit me very hard and I cried a lot, I went into a major depression and than found that since my scoliosis was so severe I had to have a spinal fusion.
Mentally after the surgery I was still very depressed and it didnt help that my classmates treated me like a freak. Physically I wont ever be able to bend my back again, but I have learned ways to compensate for it. Before the surgery I had major back pain, and now its gone.

After eight years I have no more depression and hardly any pain, just stiffness. Sometimes its hard remembering all of the surgery and pain(emotional and physical). But its totally worth doing for me cuz I would most likely not be here today. If you need anymore information im more than willing to talk about it, feel free to ask....hope I helped explain.Health Question & Answer

The descriptions below are what I've experienced. Others may or may not have them.

Because your muscles have to support you in a different way than they were designed to do, you can get tired.
You can feel numbness, a sharp pain like a pin is being pushed into your back, an ache all the way across your stomach
An ache along the muscles around the curve.

After recovery from the fusion, secondary effects kick in. Flatback syndrome is quite painful and never goes away. Sharp pains from screws becoming loose from my hardware comes and goes. Pain from a non-fusion at L5 may be masked by the morphine I'm taking for the first two problems.

For around six months after both of my fusions, I had a short-term depression. I also developed a long-term depression when I was diagnosed with flatback (caused by my first fusion, but became a problem after my second fusion). I'm still on Zoloft for that. It seems that significant pain brings back the feeling of "I'm never going to get rid if this" and the depression starts.Health Question & Answer

it depends. I have mild scoliosis. The only bad thing about it for me is that I get frequent back pains and my posture is a little funny, although if I try, i can have a normal posture.

but im sure people with more severe cases can't say the same.Health Question & Answer

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