When does cancer occur?--I mean after how many generations when someone has it? ?!

Question: When does cancer occur.?--I mean after how many generations when someone has it.? .?
If we DONT have a history of cancer in our family--NONE!!!
How did someone end up getting cancer.? And it's not skin or lung cancer.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

Fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary. The rest are random, and nobody knows what causes most cancers.

It's a myth that most cancers 'run in the family'.

Even where several members of a family have had cancer, it's not usually down to genetics. If they have all had different types of cancer, there's no hereditary factor. An indication that cancer may be hereditary within a family is when several members of the same side of the family have had the same type of cancer.

Bad luck, not heredity, is the main risk factor for cancer.Health Question & Answer

I have a friend who is a nurse on an oncology unit. Basically, everyone has the genes that cause cancer. Everyone! Its just that everyone gets exposed to different factors that trigger their genes that trigger the cancer to grow.Health Question & Answer

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