This is for anyone who's had an endoscopy ?!

Question: This is for anyone who's had an endoscopy .?
I have to go for an endoscopy sometime really soon... I'm terrified because I have a phobia of puking, gagging and anything like that. I know I won't puke if I have an endoscopy but just the thought of having a tube down my throat, gagging, just scares the heck outta me. I was at a doctor to get one done last year but I chickened out because I was crying and hypeventallating on the table and they sent me home... I wasn't even sedated, most people who arent' scared of it have a hard time doing it with no sedation let alone people with a phobia. Anyways, if anyone can tell me stuff, as much stuff about this proceidure as u can, that would be very helpful. I need reassurance that it's gonna be ok... I just wish I could be so sedated that I don't even know my last name lol. That's basically the only way I'm going to ever go through with it it seems... Health Question & Answer

I just had one. Find a doctor who will do your procedure in the hospital.
I just had mines done in a hospital and they mildly sedate you. I fell asleep. I don't know nothing. Thats the best way. In those dr. offices I used to work and those girls used to tell me how it hurt and terribly uncomfortable it was. In those dr's offices the don't have the meds to sedate you. Find you another doctor who will order your procedure at a hospital -so you can be sedated. Forget that greedy pig -just want you to hurt while he get paid mega bucks from the insurance company. Too cheap to invest in some medicine so his pt's want be uncomfortable.Health Question & Answer

Don't worry, you will not even know you had it and probably ask is that it. I have had about 5 through out the years and I didn't feel anything. I also had your concerns and was fearful and now I know better. I hope this makes you feel better.Health Question & Answer

I had one last year and it was nothing. I was completely out of it and remember nothing. The doctor even asked if I remembered what we talked about and I said no. Just ask them to give you some Versed.Health Question & Answer

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