How do you cure genital acne from ingrown hairs, its only getting worse?!

Question: How do you cure genital acne from ingrown hairs, its only getting worse.?
Im extremely prone to ingrown hairs down there. I wax most of the time instead of shave, because having to shave daily just causes too much irritation. I have found the hairs under the bump, thats how I know they're ingrown hairs and not something else. I probably have around 4-5 decent sized lesions currently. They are raised, red and inflamed and tend to accumulate at least a little pus. I dont know what to do about this because it seems to be getting worse. (And yes, I know its not herpes!)Health Question & Answer

I get the same thing from waxing...but it is so much nicer than shaving. I use a cream called "spa" for ingrown hairs,I just got it from the salon. It is very good stuff and encourages hair to come to the surface and can simply tweeze them out...resisting the temptation to dig!!! Good luck with it, I know how horrible it is to spend a mint on waxing, net alone the pain to have ingrowns turning up. also I've heard that it is best to have doggy style sex for first day after a wax to prevent ingrowns, not sure bout that one. Take care. Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

Use a different razor every time you shave, and scent free shaving cream. Use ALOT of shaving cream. Even if you have to re-apply it a few times. also before you shave try to pluck out any hairs that you see that you think are going to become ingrown that you wont get out with a razor. Its usually not too hard to realize which ones those are.. Other than that Im not sure what to tell you. There are a few good guides out there if you spend a bit of time googling it that might help you out more.Health Question & Answer

Ask a doctor; they'll send you to a specialist,
or just pop em' yourself.Health Question & Answer

Rub them with peanut butter and let a cat lick it off.Health Question & Answer

You are right not to shave. if you want no hair then yes wax. otherwise just trim. I have a similar problem and had to have surgery. It still reoccurs but is no where near as bad as it was. The only advice i can give is that when you see the spots appearing put a hot poultice on it (in other words just wet a flannel and microwave it for about 15-20 seconds) you want it hot. But don't scold yourself so take care. Hold the flannel on the spot keep repeating this it may take a couple of days but it will bring the spot to a head and you should be able to pop it - use a pin which you should sterilise. Squeezing can cause pain and bruising so try pulling this should when the spot has burst bring instant relief. A hot salt bath is also very relieving. If this is a regular occurence you should see your doctor for better advice. Best of luckHealth Question & Answer

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