Is colorblindness a problem?!

Question: Is colorblindness a problem.?
Okay, so my guyfriend/boyfriend is mildly red-green colorblind, and we're just wondering if it's really worth worrying about.? It's just one of those sometimes he won't be able to distinguish the color of something that is red or green. The most dangerous part of this whole thing is that when driving, he sometimes doesn't realize that a red blinker is blinking, but he just realizes that they're stopped and assumes that they're signalling. But that's only sometimes.

also, this whole thing isn't consistent. We don't actually KNOW that he's colorblind, but we just kind of assume it, because it's just red and green that he has a problem distinguishing.Health Question & Answer

Any problem that interferes with your daily activities and the health of self and others is worth getting help for. If there is a solution to his problem, you want him to get it as soon as possible to ensure no ones life is in danger. knowing there is a possible endangerment to others and doing nothing is a major problem, especially when an accident occurs.
I bet it is probable pretty frustrating for him also. I feel the health of a loved one is worth worrying about.

Has he gone to a doc.? If there is nothing to do for it then there is no need to worry just be more cautious when the colorblindness is more of a risk. Make sure you both are doing all you can to keep him and others out of danger. also, is this something that happened or was he born this way. Is it an inheritance. Because there may be treatments if it is not inherited. There may be an underlying cause that can be treated.Health Question & Answer

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