Diabetic help - is it hereditary?? and r u considered first born if ur second born in a set of first born twin?!

Question: Diabetic help - is it hereditary.?.? and r u considered first born if ur second born in a set of first born twin.?
ok so my dad has diabetes and i read somewhere i cant remember where that diabetes is hereditary and only first borns get it well r u still considered first born if u were second born in a set of twins and am i still at risk even though im second born in a set of first born twins if that makes any sense at all please help!!Health Question & Answer

diabetes is hereditary it is likely that it can skip a generation even a many generations although your parents had twins this does not mean that you are safe from diabetes anyone can get diabetes even if it doesnt run in the family,anyone who is bought up under a roof whose parents have diabetes or great grandparents have diabetes is in danegr of recieving the disease.Try to avoid diabetes by sticking to a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.
Health Question & Answer

Diabetes is hereditary. Having a family history of diabetes makes one more susceptible, but there are still things one can do to keep from getting this dreaded disease. Your father may not get it but possibility is there for you. It is very important to watch your body and if you notice any changes in your body to talk to a doctor immediately. Early detection, controlling blood sugar and maintaining a healthy weight is the key to avoid it. Try to avoid diabetes follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly. For more information visit the link <br><a herf=

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