How do the Docs diagnose Shingles? And do they hurt?!

Question: How do the Docs diagnose Shingles.? And do they hurt.?
What do they treat people with.? If anything.? Creams a pill.?Health Question & Answer

Shingles is a herpes virus. Varicella zoster, the causitive agent of chicken pox never totally clears after chicken pox but goes dormant in the nerves. Years later the virus may reactivate due to stress among other reasons. Typical symptoms include pain, flu-like symptoms. Then after a short period, a band-like rash may develop accompanied with more pain.
Their is no cure, however they have developed a vaccine for older people. The physician may prescribe anti-virals, pain medicine and a steroid.Health Question & Answer

the doctor can give you medication for shingles, but usually it won't have much affect unless it was caught early. shingles follow a nerve and i know it's very painful. it's a form of chicken pox and usually has to run its course. i have not heard of any creams to take the pain away. not sure if they would prescribe a pill for the pain unless for the elderly, since it can have very serious effects on them. maybe tylenol would be an option.Health Question & Answer

and i heard once you get them, they usually re-occur every few yearsHealth Question & Answer

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