Sleeping Disorder - Does Anybody Have The Medical Name For Insomnia That Occurs Only On Sundays?!

Question: Sleeping Disorder - Does Anybody Have The Medical Name For Insomnia That Occurs Only On Sundays.?
Please, no suggested solutions or reasons, we just need to get an idea of what "it is" so that a professional could give some sound medical advice. A family member has had a problem of going to sleep on Sunday nights only for over three years. These are some of the changes in her body she notices on Sunday's starting at about 1pm
1. A slight buzz feeling in the head (slight dizziness) - like high on Sunday afternoon
2. She gets really sleepy to the point of passing out Sunday around 2pm, but does not sleep
3. She's wide awake from the feeling of sleepiness around 7pm and stays away all night till approximately the next evening (Monday) when sleepiness is back to normal as if the night before was normal.
4. She might get really really really sleepy Sunday night around 11pm, but sleep does not come.

She has heard every reason, and tried just about every suggestion known from professional, friends, co-workers, etc, which is why suggestions of resolving is not the question. If there is a Medical name for this Sunday night only sleeping disorder, it could be the beginning of finding a solution. Thank you in advance.

Going to work on Mondays is not the reason.
She doesn't drink on Sundays
Doesn't take naps on Sundays
Lab work has been done to see if there are medical disorders
No Depression, possible anxiety due to this condition by now.
Nothing occurred on Sunday that's locked in her mind that we have determined.

The list goes on.

This is a lot to ask, but the multiple doctors consulted just could not give a reason. All of her other nights are normal sleep nightswithout fell. She is very active on weekends and her sleep schedule is close to the same as other nights.
Health Question & Answer

That really sucks. I think she should consult Dr house. This is no job for a normal MD.
hhhmmmmm.?Health Question & Answer

Wouldnt it be First Day Narcolepsy(FDN), DonaldHealth Question & Answer

It is called Seventh Day Narcolepsy, or SDNHealth Question & Answer

There is no medical name for this condition. I would have to know more details to answer this. I think it has something to do with her schedule on Sunday or routine that is different than the rest of the days or her Saturdays to see what happens on that day that could account for problems the following day. A doctor will probably not be able to diagnose this. I would keep a journal for about a month and write down everything that she does on each day of the week, including Sunday, and try to find out what could be different on that day (like diet), drinking on Saturday evenings.?.?, etc. There is a cause for this and you just have to find the true source to what is causing it. Don't give up. Health Question & Answer

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